Great piece. I agree it is all confusing. Unfortunately the Republican Party has been “pro - war” and pro-military/defense establishment for so long that it is their knee jerk reaction. Old habits die hard. I am appalled that our elites and leaders have pursued this Ukrainian clusterf**k so relentlessly. MAGA is not isolationist but should be very chary of any foreign entanglements or kinetic endeavors (war)

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

It's pretty obvious that Ukraine is the latest looting conduit our corrupt rulers have set up now that the COVID scam is petering out. They don't care where the weapons go because their constituents in the war industry have already made their profits. And half that "aid" money is being kicked back right into the hands of the people who approved sending it in the first place. And the money staying in Ukraine is probably, for the most part, ending up in Caribbean bank accounts. Our country is a loot fest now. And the people running this shit show don't even bother to hide what they're doing because they're so locked into power that it doesn't matter what any of us plebes think about them ripping us off every goddamn day.

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

a loot fest "now"? "now"??!!! My God it's been a loot fest decades. For legitimate people's ideas it's "Madisonian checks and balances" (translation... fuhgeddaboudit). For moneyed interests....the system goes: "will that be cash or charge, sir"? and "we'll have your policy inserted and implemented the next pork barrel sausage 1000 page legislation that crosses the president's desk sir...it'll be on average 4 years before even 2% of the public ever even knows its' been implemented, sir..."

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Sounds like "Same shit, different day" to me". I'm not sure how sending US troops to somewhere even close to Ukraine is "America First". In fact, if I was running that organization I would not even had a seminar on foreign policy until all of the issues closer to home were resolved. For you AF armchair quarterbacks getting ready to eviscerate me on how America's enemies need to be dealt with first, I assure you they are sitting back and letting us eviscerate ourselves. Honestly, with all the "usual suspects" participating in this "invitation only" event, it sounds like more of the same to me. Let's get Ron in there and shake things up.

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Expecting coherence from politicians - or anyone connected with D.C. - requires a special degree of optimism. Or something.

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Masters in Delusional Thinking perhaps?

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The magical thinking and dumbed-down quality of our political elite is atrociously more apparent with every second that goes by. Russia won this war some time ago. Sending billions of dollars and tons of weaponry to the most corrupt country around will accomplish a few things, none good.

It will kill thousands more Ukies. It will enrich the warmongers. It will feed the inflationary beast. It is actually making Russia stronger and independent of the West. Eventually it’ll get us all killed, if we can’t wrap our heads around the fact that American hegemony is gone, dead, kaput. Similar to Biden’s brain and those of his controllers.

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Jesus, this is very depressing.

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What I don't understand are these Representatives, like Kinzinger for instance, who are out front in supporting Ukraine. If I was one of his constituents I'd say, hey, fix the f*#king potholes first!

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Looks like the Trump wing of the MAGA movement has been taken over by the swamp.

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I really hope Tracey gets some perverse pleasure from what he's witnessing. Otherwise, he's suffering too much for the noble cause of exposing this idiocy.

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I take this as a warning and I appreciate having first hand accounts, thank you. The developing organic anti-globalist coalition cannot afford to be hijacked.

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Oh boy, I liked your NATO reporting better because I am a Trump guy and this makes my side look like idiots. I was very happy when the media stooges were called out by you at the NATO summit but now my guys look like a foolish mob.

Curtis Yarvin posited something very interesting on his substack: namely, maybe we need to consider whether or not America is simply a joke. A silly, dangerous, avaricious joke, perpetrated by a silly vile people.

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Very informative, Michael. I need your opinions to help make sense of all that's going on. Please continue to inform and write about political inconsistencies. Thanks!

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Maybe relevant, the following passage from an interview of Pedro Gonzales by Katherine Dee at Return:

"Take a recent Axios story that profiled the America First Policy Institute. If you know anything about the Trump White House, you know that organization is run and staffed by the worst people from the administration, it is a pit of vipers. But because Axios mentioned them as part of a long-term plan to purge the federal government if Trump wins again, many conservatives uncritically celebrated the story.

In other words, they allowed liberal media to pick their champions for them, and if you are the swamp, you want enemies like AFPI because you know they are harmless and stupid."


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Well, I still remember when "America First" adherents were being called the modern-day equivalent to pre-World War II Nazi sympathizers, so I suppose co-optation by standard-issue Republican neoconservativism could be considered an improvement.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

It's not enough for Trump to endorse the America First Policy Institute. America itself must endorse it. And it must do so both first thing in the morning, and before any other country does so. In addition, the America Second Policy Institute must concede that the America First Policy Institute actually is first. Finally, and most important, Russia must formally announce that the America First Policy Institute has won the Russia Last Policy Institute award.

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O look. some weapons turn up on EU periphery in the balkans! O look. Us tactical weapons are 40% "dual use"...the same Himars truck can lauch 227mm mini nuke warheads as well as 227mm conventional ones! can't tell them apart!

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