Michael, you are one of a kind, and that makes you irresistible. Merry Christmas!

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Thanks, Mom! If you ever feel you need to "resist" me, I won't blame you!

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Thanks Michael.

My festive vibe seemed to have gone AWOL this year - that was until I watched your analysis of the Gaetz Ethics Report. Now everything is right with the world …

Have enjoyed your work across all platforms this year - esp the Greenwald hosting gigs.


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Gaetz video on YouTube:

Great analysis. So glad to reach you thru substack. Will be folowing you in 2025 because your critical analysis on -what's happening and why- are so very important in coming to conclusions (or not) on current affairs.

Thank you

This my be an oxymoron but:

*Happy Holidays to you and family Michael*


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Thanks, Michael - am viewing this early Christmas morning and it certainly added to my festive attitude. Good job, young man!

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Thanks Michael. I've been too late in substack to watch live and am planning to go back and look at some of the topics that interested me when I first saw I missed you live. Merry garden state Christmas! It's white on the ground in Somerset County.

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You have finally found the Christmas Spirit, grasshopper.

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IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.

The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.

War Reports - 2024-12-28 - Main Report, by



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Oh, so eat thoe matzo balls and watch: Century of the Jew

When two young American Jews raised to support Israel unconditionally witness the way Israel treats Palestinians, it changes their lives. They join a movement of young American Jews campaigning to redefine Judaism’s relationship with Israel and reveal a deepening generational divide over modern Jewish identity. Israelism sparked huge debate on American campuses even before the events of October 7, 2023.

It follows Simone Zimmerman, who visited Israel as a teenager, and Eitan who joined the Israeli army after graduating from high school as they discover the reality for Palestinians and radically revise their views. It includes interviews with academics and political activists, including Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Lara Friedman and a former director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abe Foxman.

Contributors suggest the narrative that young American Jews are fed almost entirely erases the existence of the Palestinians through education and advocacy, sometimes involving groups that organise free trips to Israel partially funded by the Israeli government.

This film describes how influential this narrative is in shaping attitudes to Israel, not just in the United States but across the world.




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Oh my! This film seems like it should be banned and prohibited by someone somewhere. Somebody should call the CIA or the ADL (or both!) and get them on the case immediately!!111 I would do it, but I don't have their numbers handy.

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