One can only wonder in astonishment as to what our world might be like if the MSM actually reported journalism. To what extent they ever did, those days are long gone. Thank you for doing your part to keep the populace informed.

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CUI is "Controlled Unclassified Information" which replaced the old FOUO "For Official Use Only" designation with a registry of what is considered CUI. It's another level of information classification, basically, that doesn't require a security clearance to see but it does require you to be a government employee of some sort.

All the complaints about overclassification? CUI makes it worse.

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Thanks, HBI, for the FYI on CUI.

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I bet Russia detonated the rail linkups at the west/north Ukraine border. Us plebes were not meant to know that.

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Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump


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Trump doesn't need any sabotaging with regard to Iran. He was always going to launch some sort of hot war - if not a boots-on-the-ground invasion (a moronic and deadly option) with the Mullahs on behalf of Israel. Wake up, Boris. Trump is part and parcel of Empire.

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Not a chance

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I guess after enough time passes they don't care what we know anymore. Does our knowing even help? I'd like to think so, but work like this from MT and others never seems to change anything.

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I should clafify that nothing seems to change with regard to the war machine, not that reporting by MT and others does not make any difference in total.

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I think you’re right. I follow MT and several other independent journalists and nothing changes. Even with the ubiquitous and ineffective Congressional hearings, the offenders either deny or ignore and again, nothing happens.

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The war machine exists only because US taxpayers are enslaved to it. The only way to stop this is for US taxpayers to be separated from the Pentagon. Or for US to be broken up into 3 or 4 separate countries.

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Surely a Russian agent must've worked at the Deutsche Bahn at the time, and sent all the heavy lifting rail cars for maintenance, so the Pentagon was left no choice and had to transport the ammo for Ukraine in suitcases, using regular passenger cars. lol

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What a hot mess!

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When the Germans invaded Russia in 1941, the farther they went into Russia the more difficult it became to supply their troops in part because the railway gages were different. The Germans literally had to lay down new track in order to use their own trains.

Do you mean to tell me that NATO didn't know what transportation issues they would have in shipping weapons to Ukraine, or didn't even consider them? If it's the latter, it really wouldn't surprise me.

What's important is the profits made from all those weapons sales. The grift must flow.

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Can you get Dasha to tell us her opinion on this?

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Thank you!

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