Back in the '40s, quite a bit of the supposed UFO activity was near military bases. Everyone was supposed to assume the UFOs were spying, but the vastly easier conclusion is that the military base was experimenting with new aircraft. Same easy hypothesis here. If you see unusual cars driving around near a GM plant, you assume they're GM test vehicles, not Martian spy vehicles.

The experimentation theory was supported by another fact revealed later. Around the same time the Civil Defense authority set up the Ground Observer Corps, with civilians taking turns observing and recording unusual aircraft. Supposedly they were helping to watch for commie bombers. Later it turned out that the GOC was simply a beta test for new stealth aircraft. If the GOC saw it, the stealth wasn't good enough.

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I agree completely. If these were Russian, Chinese or Iranian, our fearless leaders would be on TV terrified and shaking. They look pretty relaxed to me while they lie. The question is why they didn’t tell the truth in the first place? How are they going to make this story go away? Maybe in a week or so, make an announcement this was a super duper ultra top secret program to protect Americans from our blood thirsty enemies and they didn’t mean to scare anyone. It’s a good distraction while bills are rammed through Congress, Syria is destroyed and pardons are issued to criminals. Never let a crisis (even a fake one) go to waste.

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Also, no one seems to consider that by now people have definitely started flying their own drones, which there are many of, to add to the story. The drones that they otherwise grew tired of and kept in a closet.

And of course people will report those drones as "giant things with blinking lights!" Because no one wants to sound insignificant.

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Occam’s razor would lead one to postulate these are our drones. The Ukraine slaughter has illustrated the importance of drones in modern warfare. We are playing catch up.

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Thank you for your reasonable take. If only more people thought about things vice joining the panic.

As a sci-fi writer, it's fun to think about the what-ifs, it's sad though so many have lost their head over this. I've read pro- and anti-Trump theories about this, as well as a person blaming demons. Crazy times.

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Good angle, Michael, I always enjoy your writing style and insights. From my perch north of the 49th parallel (no current sightings I know of in Canada) here's my take on the NJ drone swarm:

Yes, there are drones hovering over military assets and key Infrastructure, there are reports of drones disabling people's recreational drones, of drones the size of school buses hovering over houses. Of drones going in and out of the sea, of drones chasing the Coast Guard. What I find interesting is that a lot of this originates not from the tin foil hat brigade, but from local lawmakers, police, etc. Friday's presser of all locally elected officials from Staten Island was instructive as they pled for the feds to be up front rather than gaslighting the population.

We're talking about the most powerful gov't on earth with full spectrum dominance, with satellites that can track an individual anywhere and initiate a kill, who can surveil and track all adversarial assets at all times, and yet the feds say: "We don't know what these drones are. But don't worry folks, there's no threat - and btw don't believe your lying eyes." If they don't know what they are or who is behind it, then, ah...that's a problem. Which points to either a huge psy op or something other worldly. This huge credibility gap is a big part of this story.

P.S. apparently something similar happened in the sticks of Colorado back in 2020 too, but despite investigations, there were no satisfactory answers.

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'"We don't know what these drones are. But don't worry folks, there's no threat - and btw don't believe your lying eyes."...This huge credibility gap is a big part of this story.'


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The government says they don't know what is going on, and also that there is nothing to worry about. Both of those things can't be true. It is the kind of incompetent gaslighting that just makes things worse.

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It's so incompetent that of course, some people claim it's intentional, i.e. a distraction or a psyop.

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Drones don't actually require LED light to fly. Anyone trying to secretly invade, spy on, or attack the country would not put LED lights on their drones. Therefore, we can be positive that this has nothing to do with something being done secretly. Anybody who pushes that theory is either an idiot or thinks the public is made up of idiots and trying to create hysteria.

Start there.

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I addressed the drones several days ago, exposing them as US military regular grade drones put up in regular tests. But Activist Post tells us why they are being made known.


I made all this known five days ago. The rest of the internet are still all wondering about it. The greatest enemy of the US citizens and of the entire planet is the United States government. Not aliens from outer space. The comment section of this is better than the video. Does it really look like a cover up to you? Or something more like trying to look like a coverup? Project Bluebeam. Do not be deceived, and do not fear.

Second link shows that the drones are US military. Their families are hightailing it out of the area. Military are sooo courageous, defending the citizens from enemies, foreign and .... domestic? No, they just run away and save themselves. That said, could military be deceived? Perish the thought, they enlisted to protect their nation... uh, well, uh, ... Anyway, the FBI pretends to be on the spot and nervous.. Could this guy try any harder to look like he is acting and try to seem nervous? The whole thing is ridiculous.




Today we have more on the drones. They are shooting down planes and are using electronic jamming on vehicles. That said, military personnel tell us that these are US military drones in an exercise. The eighth minute has a FBI tellin us that the drones are operated by the "Deep state," not any nation. Duh, bro. He tried to make that look scary. Spooks will be spooks. duh, every nation is under the cabal, dumbass. Everything they do is upon the orders from above=the globalists and Vatican. So, supposedly being operated by the "deep state" means absolutely nothing. The warning that something big is coming? Project Bluebeam. Have no fear. SEcond link=Great Reset operation.



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"I don't know" is the safest take anyone can have, regarding this and most mysteries in life.

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So the citizens who saw this are hysterical and FOS, the politicians are all BS artists out for their own particular gain. You’ve disparaged everybody except you didn’t disparage the US government who for whatever reason can only say, “we just don’t know what this is or where they’re coming from”. They remain the largest purveyors of mis, dis, mal and non information in this country. They are the problem regardless of where these drones originate.

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Best piece I’ve seen on this.

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I have to admit to some confirmation bias myself: When I see the name Chris I immediately think it must be a young man, and especially if the last name is also one syllable. I think of older men as having names like Chester and longer last names.

So Chris Smith has been in the House for FORTY-FOUR YEARS. And this is what he comes up with: “The elusive maneuvering of these drones suggests a major military power sophistication that begs the question whether they have been deployed to test our defense capabilities — or worse — by violent dictatorships including Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea.”

This political prostitute should never have gotten the job at all. What an extremely corrupt system.

This is like those who pretended a weather balloon was a "spy balloon." Because they know it works with low-IQ voters. Britain sends up weather balloons four times EVERY WEEK. The U.S. often sends up more than A HUNDRED THOUSAND weather balloons in a year.

The balloons only have a weak propeller, so they easily blow away at high altitudes, as was the case with the Chinese one.

But some people were dumb enough to think that China needs balloons with cameras attached to find out that the U.S. has military bases with people and vehicles on them. Then Biden made sure to have the balloon shot down in pieces, so people couldn't see that it was a weather balloon, and then he used it to insult Xi Jinping, saying he was afraid of the U.S. This came right after Antony Blinken's trip to China to mend fences. The Chinese were insulted, as Biden had intended, and saw this as another example of how the Americans can never be trusted. Diplomat sent one day, turn around the next day.

But there are still rubes today who will use the "Chines spy balloon!" as a way to get at Biden. "He didn't shoot it down immediately!"

Clubs that send up private weather balloons tried to tell the rubes that they were being ridiculous. But sanity and the U.S. public don't go together. And you are dragging down the rest of us with you.

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'When I see the name Chris I immediately think it must be a young man'

Funny, I had exactly the same reaction.

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Clearly, it’s time to call Mulder and Scully. Conspiracies by shady deep state entities are at play. I’d track down the cigarette smoking man pronto.

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Pretty sure the Russians would have this figured out quick.

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Perhaps "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"?

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Connecting the dots. I think Ukraine is going to assassinate Trump, using a drone, and blame Iran.

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You left out a dot: 👽

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You might have seen a tower with lights. Theyre stationary with red lights, often disappear as and reappear as you drive

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