Let's hope Substack doesn't get to the point where payment processors refuse to service them. I cannot see it getting that point with this platform in particular, but I cannot say I would be surprised to see it happen in this environment either.

The earliest invocation of Russia I remember hearing was at, I believe, the second Presidential debate somewhere around September 2015. I remember shouting out dumbfounded in my house watching Clinton fabricate some nonsense conspiracy. Then it blew up and became a multi-year, socially damaging crusade. I agree completely, this casual logic ignorance that these institutions didn't make themselves untrustworthy is appalling. People hate these people because these people are terrible, not because Russia or space aliens beamed messages into their brains on social media. The supposition that people are just stupid sheep (which is what they themselves think and want) is beyond offensive.

Lastly, it makes so little sense to me to sit there hyping propaganda about Russia because one could easily look at it and say, "Well god damn, the United States is weak and stupid. Look how this Putin guys runs circles around them in his sleep." I have not seen anyone bring this up but this is the perspective I always see when the Russiagate clown car pulls up. I don't see the logic behind this course of action in terms of image.

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It was that Tucker interview that brought me to you and substack and it was well worth the travel. It's well past tiresome and well into dangerous what the main stream media is doing to our country. We need to turn every breath of fresh air, like yours, into a torrential wind if we are to win this fight against the propaganda we are force fed. Thanks you for what you are doing !

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Rid and the DNC / SJW / WOKE Industrial complex are aided and abetted by millions of people who believe that if it isn't on CNNNBCCBSMSNBC then it's a "Qanon Conspiracy", or the "Extreme right wing" putting out lies.

I'm in academia and that is the current song being played, and they're playing it on an endless loop, with the volume at 10.

People with multiple degrees see someone like Mr. Tracey as a right wing fascist simply for being on Tucker's show. It is like some kind of cult / religion now.

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It's typified by Van Jones' comment about the Newsome recall election. He said, on air, that it was the work of Q-anon conspiracy types. He was never questioned on that, didn't have to provide proof, and will never be asked to explain. He speaks the 'truth' to millions, while real journalists are not welcome on the network and are being chased away.

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PS: About Thomas Rid.... Since it is impossible that a cogent being can believe in what Rid is saying the only conclusion is that this War Studies Professor is well paid for his propaganda as a member of UK intelligence services.

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Thank you very much for this much needed article. There is a very big test approaching, I believe - the reason for increasing panic and increasing attempts of censorship.

About half of population already knows about DNC's and CIA/FBI security complex scam -- their scam of the century -- that the Russia-gate hoax that was initiated by Obama/Biden administration.

The entire DNC lying team is back in power -- Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine Waters, Jamie Ruskin, etc. - with Obama and Hillary in background - promoting their proteges and co-conspirators a la Kamala Harris (Hillary's protégé), Neera Tanden, Melissa Hodgman (wife of the Comey’s infamous Peter Strzok), Pete Buttigieg, etc, etc.

The hoax is unravelling - the urgent question is perhaps: Who will be the first Democrat Congressman or Senator to publicly confirm the Russia-gate conspiracy - the huge now 5-year scam from the start? HiTech monopolies and MSM would have difficulty to silence the break in the dam plus -- the transparent farce about Biden actually ruling and governing the country is rapidly coming to its end.

There is absolutely no "unity and healing" until the Russia-gate huge hoax is unmasked.. Trump was certainly a disaster on multiple dimensions -- not pardoning Julian Assange was not only one of his crimes but also an illustration of his sheer stupidity. Overall both parties are equally bad -- really two oligarch wings of same War party focused on controlling world's oil resources and aggressive non-compromising hostility to "godless" socialist countries who among other teach in schools evolution "hypothesis".. ;-))

Always remember Obama's statement: “Venezuela is fundamental threat to USA” -- declared Obama formally initiating regime change. What he meant is “Socialism is a threat to capitalism”… hence imperial War-party endless wars -- against Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, Libya, China…..

Right now the US is engaged in two cold wars. Full accounting for the Russia-gate hoax would likely create a sea of change. Certainly the Biden/Harris pretend administration is soon coming to its end -- who will emerge in that sclerotic team (Pelosi, Schumer) is not clearly visible yet. The US military terrorism could began to be "defunded"; the coming climate change catastrophe might finally accelerate and take care of that also.

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Another great article. I think HRC's campaign speech in Nevada in 2016 where she called out Alex Jones and painted the picture of a vast Russia conspiracy operating in collusion with right-wing media is really ground zero for the marked shift in censorship and establishment journalism.

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What's truly fascinating is the obsession with a second rate economy / army. Russia isn't even in the rearview mirror anymore. Russia = "look, squirrel!" China on the other hand...

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This adds context to the origin of this narrative. I wasn't really paying attention to this nonsense at the time. Unfortunately, there are millions more like me as this continues to escalate. I'm grateful that there are still journalists who are willing to call this what it is.

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I'm using this to warn my friends and family who immediately scream MAGA scum at the Georgia massacre and other such episodes. Beware: It's the Russians who are animating your hate!

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