Some thoughts:

If the Capitol is the temple of democracy, as Adam Schiff says, then Mr. Schiff would best fit the scene as the money changer whose table needs to be thrown over.

What Mr. Hodgkins actually did was little more than simply trespass, with the added element that it interfered with a congressional hearing. It's very clear that he was sentenced based upon political, rather than judicial, considerations. Why do I say this?:

Last summer "mostly peaceful" protesters on the other side of the political divide committed arson and other property crimes causing as much as $2 billion in damages, and committed violent acts injuring scores, if not hundreds, and killing nearly 30 people. Yet in city after city charges were either never filed, or filed then dropped. Of course even in this context ideology made a big difference. 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse fatally shot armed BLM protesters in Kenosha, WI. The New York Times, of all outlets, provided an analysis that he fired in self defense. Of course, he's been charged with two murders.

Back to the actual offense Hodgkins was convicted of: interfering with congressional business. In September, 2017, Patricia “Paki” Wieland was found guilty of disrupting a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. It was the confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. After the vote in favor of his confirmation, she shouted “Shame! Shame! Shame!”. She was sentenced to six months probation with a suspended 15-day jail sentence. (https://www.gazettenet.com/Northampton-activist-Paki-Wieland-found-guilty-in-Senate-disruption-12431908) Even if one views her interference to be less serious, the disparity of the sentences - no jail time versus 8 months in prison - is beyond the pale.

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Jul 23, 2021
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Bottom line is that it wasn't an insurrection, and it wasn't domestic terrorism. It was in essence a temper tantrum. Very few committed any criminal act beyond trespass. For those without criminal records sentences similar to Paki Wieland's would be appropriate. Contrary to the prosecutor's and judge's statements, there is very little need to "send a message". Jan 6 was a unique situation that is highly unlikely to happen again. Unless of course official Washington wants to be so oppressively punitive that they instill in the right the belief that we are really entering into civil war.

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Jul 23, 2021
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When I mention civil war I know I'm being hyperbolic. Your reference to wide scale civil disobedience is much more on point. I don't know whether Trump was cheated out of reelection. There is no way to prove it one way or the other (since the most irregular aspect of the election was the huge increase in mail ballots while ballot authentication measures were weakened or eliminated, and cant be truly audited once the outer envelopes are sepated from the inner). I do know that the Dem party undertook extraordinary efforts to create a situation where widespread fraud was possible. How much it happened, I don't know. But there is clearly reason for being suspicious. Continuing to treat Jan 6 as some kind of armed rebellion will do nothing but further inflame the situation.

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Inflaming the situation is most likely the main point.

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This is just unbelievable. Words cannot describe this candid destruction of the last vestiges what this country is supposed to be. I read this while stopping occasionally to imagine it was a clipping regarding the court appearance of a Boston Tea Party member (or someone standing by on the dock cheering to be more precise), only they are heralded in history books (until CRT edits them out). In fact, this form of protest in general (of the government or leading societal body) was so important the founders literally protected it in the Bill of Rights! But now suddenly it is "undemocratic"...? You cannot make up this wanton abuse of logic and I highly recommend reading the previous article on hypocrisy in these associated ideologies because there is definitely something to the virulent spread of these mental pathologies.

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I have to add..."“the need to deter others is especially strong in cases involving domestic terrorism..." If there is any real question to the likelihood of a successful terrorist attack on DC, nothing aided potential threats more than watching the government authorities let a bunch of selfie taking tail-gaters stroll right into the building. They missed their opportunity at exercising deterrence, if that is an excuse they actually believe in in the first place (they don't).

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Don't get me wrong either, this was definitely not the same spirit of the Boston Tea Party. This was more like a big clusterfuck demonstration.

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We should all be up in arms about this. And Pelosi’s intentions with her committee.

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Who is the bigger threat to democracy, a moron wandering the halls of the capitol building or a demagogue prosecutor?

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Good piece. I expected to read two paragraphs and blow it off, but once I started reading I didn't lift my head until the end. What a ridiculous nation we live in. Or, more accurately, what ridiculous politicians and media we have.

I've got one complaint, though. Taibbi does the same thing. Here's the sentence:

"Do leftists [...] really not understand how easily the same logic could be marshalled against their own activist comrades?"

The American left feel they have a chokehold on the government (not without reason), and they find your question as irrelevant as a Maoist would have if asked if the methods of the Cultural Revolution might not one day be used against them.

I do believe Hodgkins could have had better representation. A no-bullshit just-the-facts, just-the-law, hardass type lawyer.

P.S. What were the four types of injury? Did I miss them? (The ones I saw mentioned in this piece were indeed odd.) I quit cable news, NPR, etc., a year ago, and get my news now from a small group of podcasters and Substack writers. The only mention of the "insurrection" has been the occasional eye-rolling aside.

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When the government declares nonviolent protest "terrorism", what do they think happens next?

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Can we all just take a minute and marvel at that fact that "obstructing an official proceeding" can land you up to 20 years in prison?

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Still waiting to hear why the anti-kavanaugh protestors who stormed the capitol, senate chambers all encouraged by Pelosi, AOC etc were different from these yahoos from Jan 6.

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Me too. At least one was charges with the same crime as Hodgkins, but the case was dropped before trial.

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I'm glad that someone is willing to take this on. This piece elaborates on the prosecution's flimsy argument for harsh sentencing. They are using the justice system to inflict as much injury as possible against those who supported their political adversaries.

These people had every reason to believe that they would be judged by the same standard that was applied to BLM and antifa activists. It is a blatant double standard. That part of the message is loud and clear. I wouldn't be able to forget this if I tried.

The new administration could have used this as a moment for reflection but instead, they chose retribution. They are callously twisting our justice system in ways that will eventually be applied to others. This is an embarrassment of injustice.

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Wish I hadn’t started off my weekend in inflamed rage, but there you have it.

Leduc does not inspire confidence in his lawyering. If even a non-lawyer like Michael smells something off about Leduc’s arguments and defense strategy, then you know he’s not only not F Lee Bailey, but bottom shelf. Very infuriating.

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Hmmmm, maybe Biden is clearing out Gitmo for a new domestic terrorist wing.

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Based upon what has transpired over the last 5+ years it is only going to get worse. The question is why. Let’s see what happens in the 2022 elections

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Governments oppress their people. State power over the individual is a matter of balance: too much is oppression not enough can lead to chaos. How to organize ourselves as a society seems to be the human story.

The elite left successor ideology despises Trump voters. It is hatred. The old values of free speech and due process are impediments, they must be subordinate to “doing what’s right” and the right thing is to punish these Trump voters. It is hatred fuelled revenge, it is right minded and it is deserving.

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What appeal process is in place for these felons with asterisks?

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"it seeks the symbolic retribution of punishing the “terrorists” who desecrated what Adam Schiff has pompously called the “temple of democracy” The Capitol is the temple of Wall Street & Congress obey the sacred text of K Street lobbyists, "The man with the gold makes the rules."

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Mid-term elections are coming. DNC oligarchs and its Biden-administration have NOT delivered on ANY of the pre-election promises. How to win elections? One way is the good old American way -- to better lie than GOP oligarchs. The other is to have major protracted trials, with 400+ "heavily-armed terrorists," whose coup the "heroic" Biden, Pelosi and Schumer personally prevented.

Of course, the very same lying, and for decades deeply corrupt, team has concocted the DNC/CIA scam of the century -- the still ongoing Russia-gate hoax. US War party is in ascendance -- war/arms industry is VERY profitable to all players involved, including corporate media and politicians, hence lies upon lies -- 99% of US population is being played like a violin.

Always remember Tulsi's summation after Hillary criminally accused her of "being Russian asset":

Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton . You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose. It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.

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