The Elite are running the covid scam full blast in places like MA. In FL it doesn't work, as the governor (a republican oh noes!) won't let it. Same for TX. The cloddish, thoughtless white liberal has no curiosity whatsoever why there aren't bodybags piling up in those places. The mask in the car wearing Progressive follows, pretending to be 'good' while Target, WalMart, and Amazon continue to rake in billions, and small businesses deal with this kind of nonsense. In my day the garden variety liberal could see the scam a mile away. The modern liberal / progressive is a corporate news following clown, unfit for anything but shackles.

Stay safe. Double mask - covid is a thing.

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At least you're curious enough as a JOURNALIST (THIS is what journalists are supposed to be doing -- reporting on facts and investigating the effects of government policies on the citizens) to look into the effects of the COVID overreach by local, state, and federal governments. You won't be surprised by the gigantic backlash that is coming. The so-called journalists will be completely confused.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and that applies to politics as well.

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I certainly wish it so but I do not believe a backlash is coming. The majority of folks go along or just don't care. Most are simply blind to or not looking at the closing in on our freedoms by public and private interests. Dr. Fauci will suffer no repercussions. Those that refuse to deify him will always be heretics. Zoologist Peter Daszak will carry on brokering the next pandemic research, making millions along the way. And...the research will go on exponentially (this is already happening per the excellent research by Josh Rogin). Ignorant of science "follow the science" types will continue wearing their masks outside and while not sitting in a restaurant, and so on. Journalist will continue to snooker the masses and the masses will continue to believe them. The honest journalists and scientists will continue to face potential shut down by tech. Am I a pessimist or a realist? (P.S. I truly hope this comment doesn't age well.) And still, kudos to MT and other honest journalist and scientists out there. Without them, I think many of us would have a harder time negotiating this crazy reality.

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The Covid pandemic has been a complete failure by public health officials. As soon as local governments started enforcing draconian rules with draconian fines the credibility of public health beaurocrats was trashed. From the get go educating the public should have been job one. They should have been straight with us, including acknowledging what they knew and didn't know. And every step should have been based upon the best science then known. As soon as the regs became political all that was left was forced compliance because we couldn't trust public health. Fauci's lying to manipulate the public should be a crime. He destroyed faith in the CDC.

As for local government, I think you'll find the approach has varied. I'm in rural San Diego county, which is policed by the Sheriffs Dept. They issued very few citations, instead trying to inform people what was required. Then in other places, such as Newark and the town in this article, a more punitive approach was followed. California's rules have suck, but in my small town we havent had the kind of uproar that a heavy hand causes.

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Jun 14, 2021
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Unfortunately, all true.

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Ugh, these stories...so many of them. The entirety of the covid19 restrictions is just about as dumb as it gets. The virus only spreads if you're not eating or drinking. On my Delta flight, I was told to put my mask on between bites of food. Of course, most of us just put them on (after reviewing the "mask data") to please others. A little bit of research on the "science" goes a long way.

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“It’s just a mask”

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I know you are using sarcasm but something that the "it's just a mask" people ( including disappointingly, the potential governor of Texas Matthew McConaughey) seem to miss is that masks separate us as humans. I can't see your smile or read your expressions when you are wearing a mask. This seems to me to be especially psychologically damaging for children who are learning how to socialize. Another detriment of mask wearing is for those who are somewhat hard of hearing. Without being able to read lips and with voices muffled behind a piece of cloth, those who have compromised hearing can barely understand at all. Mask wearing, when not indicated, is an evil.

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Assuming that the virus can be transmitted on surfaces and that the employees are unvaccinated (perhaps too many assumptions) I think it is reasonable for government to issue and enforce commercial food prep mask regs. These restaurateurs are professionals: they should keep their freezers clean, their dishes sanitized, their floors mopped, their hands washed, and—assuming the virus can be transmitted on surfaces by unvaccinated employees—their staff masked.

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Jun 13, 2021
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Jun 13, 2021
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I also live in the dystopian hellscape that is California, though fortunately not in the bay area or LA. Tomorrow new rules go into effect that allow vaccinated people to stop wearing masks in most situations. (How they're going to have businesses distinguish is another matter entirely). More to the point of your post, it looks like Cal OSHA is going to require employees continue to wear masks unless every employee in a work area has been vaccinated. So the farce will continue.

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If you are vaccinated, why would you care about those not wearing masks? Still don't have a clear answer on this.

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I assume that's rhetorical, because I couldn't care less!!!!

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Correct. It's not my business.

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Those of you that live in the free states (i.e., as opposed to the Covid tyranny states), may not fully appreciate the following. Today I went to Costco and DIDN'T WEAR A MASK! It almost made me feel like I'm a free person with God given liberty .... okay, maybe that's going too far.

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Agreed, it's nice to see the change happening. Meanwhile, Allianz arena in Germany was mostly empty during the Germany - France Futbol game and most in the stands had masks. Players didn't. Strange times continue.

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