I am still trying to understand the vaccine "passport" where it does exist and is enforced. Correct me if I am wrong (with actual data) but just because you are vaccinated, it does not mean that you cannot catch Covid and infect others in the same way an unvaccinated person can.( I do believe even the CDC says this is true.) So, what's the reason for vaccine passports again?
Any chance you can contact the San Francisco mayor's office about our vaccine passports and see if your streak continues? I was refused seating at an eatery the other day, and even the lifting of CA's indoor mask mandates hasn't changed that requirement here-- however I *can* go two miles south to San Mateo county and eat wherever I want, sans vax card, and have been able to do so all along.
This checks out from my experience in Denver. I was frantically going through cloud storage to find an image of my vax card while my wife accepted the alternative option of wearing a mask. Then, she smiled, put it in her pocket and never put it on. She is the Democrat. I'm the freedom loving dissident. I was schooled on that one. When I did find my vax card, he could barely be bothered to look at it but I did get a special hand stamp as a mark of shame. A hand stamp. I'm such an idiot.
This whole thing has turned into a farce. I have real contempt for the Karens and the Garys screaming about masks and vaxx and Pandemic!! still to this day. Because it's a white liberal virtue signal now, it's great that I'm in the black neighborhood high school where the mask rule is maybe followed by 50% of the students. They are "vaccine hesitant" and with good reason.
I think that a huge issue with this is that it perfectly conforms to the fears that many on the left, internationally, feel about the environment. I would put good money down on a bet that the Venn diagram of Covid fearers and people sure of environmental collapse a la Greta is an overlapping circle.
And in the same manner that fears of AGW or whatever it is being called this week turn out to be nowhere near as bad as anyone of that group thinks, assuming arguendo that there is basis for the fears, Covid is no where near as bad.
This is the end of many leftish dreams, not only green fascism but even sensible ideas like Medicare for all. Who the fuck still trusts the government on healthcare now?
This is tangential to the full-court press of gaslighting I mentioned in these comments a few weeks ago. Sure, it's somewhat relieving to see a lot of these measures fall by the wayside. However, it's disgusting that we're only seeing the insanity wane because of the midterms and NOTHING ELSE. The Democrats and legacy media are going to have a hell of a time reigning in every last neurotic hall monitor and unaccountable bureaucrat that they've been enabling for two years while trying to convince the rest of the public that (1) it never actually happened and (2) if it did, we never supported it. Whether Covidian measures die down, even forever, we've suffered terminal damage and there will always be another Covid-like crisis on the horizon. The people who want to save "democracy" by abolishing the electoral college, 1st and 2nd Amendments, the Senate, censoring the internet, banning people from the financial system, and instituting a mass surveillance bio-medical technocracy are going to be with us far beyond 2022.
If some 67% of Americans are vaccinated, the percentage is surely lower in Newark, so that an actively enforced vaccine passport system would have been a disaster there.
I suspect they knew that all along.
It reminds me of the occasional international symposia among government leaders in which they make grand carbon reduction commitments they know they will never honor, but they sure sound good.
It’s all a laugh until like here, in Melbourne, a kid working for a bookstore gets pushed down an escalator after asking for a vacc passport, hits his head - and almost dies.
Meanwhile, even Austria - AUSTRIA - has just begun phasing out its vax passports. Recall that Austria was probably the most authoritarian country on the planet with regard to vaccines, until Trudeauistan took their spot.
FYI -- U.N. voted 130–against 2 (US and Ukraine) to outlaw Nazism.
On 16 December, 2021, the United Nations tabled a resolution that called for “combating glorification of Nazism, neo–Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism.” The only nations to vote against it were the United States and Ukraine.
Every Russian knows that it was across the plains of Ukraine’s “borderland” that Hitler’s divisions swept from the west in 1941, bolstered by Ukraine’s Nazi cultists and collaborators. The result was more than 20 million Russian dead. This is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the U.N. voted 130–2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:
- NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow.)
- NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.
- Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.
- The West and Russia to sign a binding East–West security pact.
- The landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The U.S. abandoned it in 2019.)
These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of postwar Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance? We are told that Putin is a pariah, “killer” and a threat to Christendom. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under economic blockade by Kyiv for seven years, are fighting for their survival. The “massing” army we seldom hear about is the 13 Ukrainian brigades laying siege to Donbas: an estimated 150,000 troops.
Needless to say, the studies suggesting mass efficacy, in the same way a cat farting during a middle-school seance suggests the return of Amy Winehouse, were mostly conducted by taking a mask mandate as an independent variable. Meaning, no one tracked the actual wearing of mask, only the ceremonial issuance of a virtue-signaling press release.
This reminds me of what happened here in Colorado when the state legislature tried to ban "high capacity" magazines. There were several MASSIVE loopholes in the law. Basically it was business as usual and still is. People are still able to get a hold of whatever magazines they want, mostly because they know how things work more than the people trying to legislate it. I love this country! Anyway, apparently the magazine ban was not all that important, because the people who passed it had no idea the gun community was carrying on like nothing had happened for years! When 9 News reported this was the case years later, state politicians were shocked. They had no clue. Hickenlooper even trotted it out as a success during his very unsuccessful presidential run.
Very amusing, Michael! I have to wonder whether his honor the mayor gets out much. It would seem he wasn't aware that his sternly worded diktat was such a farce.
I am still trying to understand the vaccine "passport" where it does exist and is enforced. Correct me if I am wrong (with actual data) but just because you are vaccinated, it does not mean that you cannot catch Covid and infect others in the same way an unvaccinated person can.( I do believe even the CDC says this is true.) So, what's the reason for vaccine passports again?
Do as you're told and bow your head citizen.
Bonuses for Pfizer executives?
It’s like rape as a marketing strategy for incels.
Any chance you can contact the San Francisco mayor's office about our vaccine passports and see if your streak continues? I was refused seating at an eatery the other day, and even the lifting of CA's indoor mask mandates hasn't changed that requirement here-- however I *can* go two miles south to San Mateo county and eat wherever I want, sans vax card, and have been able to do so all along.
This checks out from my experience in Denver. I was frantically going through cloud storage to find an image of my vax card while my wife accepted the alternative option of wearing a mask. Then, she smiled, put it in her pocket and never put it on. She is the Democrat. I'm the freedom loving dissident. I was schooled on that one. When I did find my vax card, he could barely be bothered to look at it but I did get a special hand stamp as a mark of shame. A hand stamp. I'm such an idiot.
This whole thing has turned into a farce. I have real contempt for the Karens and the Garys screaming about masks and vaxx and Pandemic!! still to this day. Because it's a white liberal virtue signal now, it's great that I'm in the black neighborhood high school where the mask rule is maybe followed by 50% of the students. They are "vaccine hesitant" and with good reason.
The more this goes on, the more I feel like I have to apologize to my "nut-case friend" who's been telling me for years now (years) that this is fake.
I really don't know what to think.
It's not fake, it's just never been anywhere near as dangerous as the media and political classes suggested.
I think that a huge issue with this is that it perfectly conforms to the fears that many on the left, internationally, feel about the environment. I would put good money down on a bet that the Venn diagram of Covid fearers and people sure of environmental collapse a la Greta is an overlapping circle.
And in the same manner that fears of AGW or whatever it is being called this week turn out to be nowhere near as bad as anyone of that group thinks, assuming arguendo that there is basis for the fears, Covid is no where near as bad.
This is the end of many leftish dreams, not only green fascism but even sensible ideas like Medicare for all. Who the fuck still trusts the government on healthcare now?
This is tangential to the full-court press of gaslighting I mentioned in these comments a few weeks ago. Sure, it's somewhat relieving to see a lot of these measures fall by the wayside. However, it's disgusting that we're only seeing the insanity wane because of the midterms and NOTHING ELSE. The Democrats and legacy media are going to have a hell of a time reigning in every last neurotic hall monitor and unaccountable bureaucrat that they've been enabling for two years while trying to convince the rest of the public that (1) it never actually happened and (2) if it did, we never supported it. Whether Covidian measures die down, even forever, we've suffered terminal damage and there will always be another Covid-like crisis on the horizon. The people who want to save "democracy" by abolishing the electoral college, 1st and 2nd Amendments, the Senate, censoring the internet, banning people from the financial system, and instituting a mass surveillance bio-medical technocracy are going to be with us far beyond 2022.
What f they waged a vaccine proof requirement, and nobody came?
If some 67% of Americans are vaccinated, the percentage is surely lower in Newark, so that an actively enforced vaccine passport system would have been a disaster there.
I suspect they knew that all along.
It reminds me of the occasional international symposia among government leaders in which they make grand carbon reduction commitments they know they will never honor, but they sure sound good.
It’s all a laugh until like here, in Melbourne, a kid working for a bookstore gets pushed down an escalator after asking for a vacc passport, hits his head - and almost dies.
Good for you. If you have any interest in crossing the bridge, in NYC, all businesses have been required since December 27 to "verify each worker’s proof of vaccination" and post a certificate that they're complying "in a public place." https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-vaccine-workplace-requirement.page#:~:text=Vaccination%20Requirement%3A%20Workplaces,of%20a%20COVID%2D19%20vaccine. It'd be easy to do a quick survey of the compliance rate across the five boroughs . . .
Meanwhile, even Austria - AUSTRIA - has just begun phasing out its vax passports. Recall that Austria was probably the most authoritarian country on the planet with regard to vaccines, until Trudeauistan took their spot.
FYI -- U.N. voted 130–against 2 (US and Ukraine) to outlaw Nazism.
On 16 December, 2021, the United Nations tabled a resolution that called for “combating glorification of Nazism, neo–Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism.” The only nations to vote against it were the United States and Ukraine.
Every Russian knows that it was across the plains of Ukraine’s “borderland” that Hitler’s divisions swept from the west in 1941, bolstered by Ukraine’s Nazi cultists and collaborators. The result was more than 20 million Russian dead. This is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the U.N. voted 130–2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:
- NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow.)
- NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.
- Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.
- The West and Russia to sign a binding East–West security pact.
- The landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The U.S. abandoned it in 2019.)
These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of postwar Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance? We are told that Putin is a pariah, “killer” and a threat to Christendom. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under economic blockade by Kyiv for seven years, are fighting for their survival. The “massing” army we seldom hear about is the 13 Ukrainian brigades laying siege to Donbas: an estimated 150,000 troops.
(John Pilger - www.johnpilger.com )
“War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda.” - The Scrum (substack.com) – Feb. 19, 2022
Needless to say, the studies suggesting mass efficacy, in the same way a cat farting during a middle-school seance suggests the return of Amy Winehouse, were mostly conducted by taking a mask mandate as an independent variable. Meaning, no one tracked the actual wearing of mask, only the ceremonial issuance of a virtue-signaling press release.
This reminds me of what happened here in Colorado when the state legislature tried to ban "high capacity" magazines. There were several MASSIVE loopholes in the law. Basically it was business as usual and still is. People are still able to get a hold of whatever magazines they want, mostly because they know how things work more than the people trying to legislate it. I love this country! Anyway, apparently the magazine ban was not all that important, because the people who passed it had no idea the gun community was carrying on like nothing had happened for years! When 9 News reported this was the case years later, state politicians were shocked. They had no clue. Hickenlooper even trotted it out as a success during his very unsuccessful presidential run.
Very amusing, Michael! I have to wonder whether his honor the mayor gets out much. It would seem he wasn't aware that his sternly worded diktat was such a farce.