This week, the political and media class emotionally marked the six-month anniversary of what they call the January 6 “insurrection.” The commemorations were reminiscent of an elementary school kid who insists on celebrating their “half birthday” — a juvenile self-indulgence, but understandable for a child. Less so for adults who are supposed to be governing the country.
Are they really trying to pretend I have short term memory loss? Almost 10 years ago protesters violently broke into the Wisconsin state capitol to block a vote. It was even praised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the time. I remember the Kavanaugh hearings, I remember Maxine Waters telling people to get in Republican’s faces, and I remember the attempted assassination of Republican senators at a baseball field. Anyone remember when Rand Paul was swarmed by people demanding he say Breonna Taylor’s name after he wrote the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act?
Remember early last year? There was a successful protest against new Virginia gun laws. The protesters were actually peaceful and picked up their trash. What was the media reaction? “Domestic terrorists who should be shot.” Lockdown protesters? “Evil death cultists!”
Fast forward to the death of George Floyd. There were massive gatherings that were somehow immune to spreading Covid 19. Large scale rioting and violence was written off. I watched many livestreams of the riots. I saw arson, assault, and even attempted murder. Many died and billions of dollars of property was destroyed. The seriousness of it was just ignored. Rioters even took over part of a city and made it their own.
The major networks and newspapers just lied about it. According to them, suburbanites clearing gun store shelves was due to “economic uncertainty related to Covid 19.” The Vox crowd was cheering the entire time. Very few of the supposedly “principled” National Review writers even cared. They just wrote jokes about CHAZ and socialism and made fun of the rioters when they tore down another abolitionist statue. The riots were still ongoing in places for weeks afterwards! Portland is still the same old story! All the people pretending to care about violence and unrest now, have never cared. It is just a show. The whole thing has just been an excuse to expand government power, expand the surveillance state, scare the populace, piss off the people who voted the wrong way, give our elected officials an excuse to be attention whores, and give a lot of taxpayer money to their friends.
I am talking about what I personally witness on livestreams. You know I actually saw what happened in Kenosha live? I also gathered as many pictures and video of the incident that I could before they were removed or edited. The mainstream news story about Kyle Rittenhouse and the three men is total bullshit. It was clear cut self defense.
The corrupt DA from Austin also charged the driver last week who was driving an Uber and got stopped by a "protester" literally with an AK-47 pointed at the driver and the driver shot him in obvious self defence:
A 13 minute nonviolent trespass! Can federal prosecutors and the FBI possibly do more damage to their reputations with the half of the country they're not in bed with. Oh, yeah, we can add seizing a completed Lego capitol. Serious evidence that. All this while the perjurers and frauds who peddled Russiagate get book deals and contributing slots on CNN and MSLSD.
I for one was frightened to the core by the Great Duck Dynasty Coup Attempt. How dare these unwashed deplorables come to think that they have any say about the governing of our sacred Idiocracy? Our Reps are in DC doing important work for our betters. Throw the book at these Serfs for interrupting the work of the Oligarchy's House.
Absolute insanity. Cities around the country have suffered a year of rampant crime and our representatives can't stop crying about how they were confused or scared for a few hours. Seriously when do the rest of us get that increased police protection? Or even those therapy sessions to deal with the trauma from a year of unending violence? Just imagine if they extended the same concern they show for themselves to their constituents... These people are sick.
Are there any stories of elected officials bravely standing up to the insurrectionists? You’d think one or two would have leapt at the chance of heroism with a stern demand to “Put down that laptop, miscreant shaman!” But I have seen no such story: has anybody else?
From what I have seen from the more violent episodes, the Capitol rioters were using many of the same tactics that I had seen MANY times in the riots of 2020. By January 2021, I was largely immune to watching mob violence because I had seen so much of it live streaming from all over the country in 2020.
If they were dressed in black bloc, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. They weren't as good at it but I couldn't help but think that they were under the impression that they would be able to get away with it because "everyone else" was doing it.
Later, I also saw clips of people decked out in their MAGA finest calmly walking through rope lines acting like tourists. It is somewhat difficult for me to reconcile those images with those that were more violent. I guess you could say that it was "mostly peaceful".
In the aftermath, I remember thinking that the best thing that the new administration could do would be to take the same white gloves approach with these activists as they had with the 10's of thousands of others from 2020.
Taking a principled and liberal stand that was balanced and nuanced would alleviate fear and it would demonstrate equal justice under the law. It could have united our country instead of being another mechanism to divide us.
Naturally, they decided to go with the complete opposite of that approach. If I had known that they would be arresting people for loitering in the Capitol for 13 minutes, I would have been shocked but clearly, my expectations for government agencies is still way too high.
The administration and federal agencies have pulled out all the stops to find, expose and incarcerate these "dangerous insurrectionists". I now regard many of them to be political prisoners. I honestly never thought that our government would be capable of something like this.
Over the last five years, my faith in American institutions has been challenged at every turn. Like an idiot, I keep falling back to my faith in our system of government. We know that corruption exists but the checks and balances expose and mitigate this corruption. That is the theory anyway.
It is increasingly clear that our national security state has become one of the most powerful institutions in the world. Republican and Democratic voters are equally responsible for this atrocity. Willingly giving them even more power to operate domestically is the dumbest fucking thing that anyone could do.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE underestimated the reality that was laid bare by Snowden and Assange. I know that I did. I said many of the things that I hear Democrats saying now. "They are just doing their job. These people are terrorists." Honestly, I don't know how I could have been such an idiot.
It is now quite clear that politicians, intelligence agencies, the media and large corporations are all reading from the same playbook. If there is any chance that a representative government can ever be elected, I will demand that they dismantle and rebuild every intelligence agency in our country. They need to be disrupted.
On any given day, I go back and forth between who I hate more. Is it the media or the intelligence agencies? Well, many times, they are the same thing. And either way, you really can't go wrong. They are all worthy of increasingly more hatred and distrust.
I am learning to embrace my place as an American dissident. If that is what they were going for, they have succeeded far beyond anything that I could have imagined. Turning law abiding citizens into dissidents is probably the dumbest thing they could do but here we are.
Fwiw, my disillusionment began with the Horowitz report. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how federal authorities could weaponize our justice system to fabricate foreign collusion charges against the duly elected president. I didn't even vote for the guy but I was shocked by what I learned.
The on-going prosecution of anyone and everyone in or around the Capitol on that day merely confirms it. The scales have been tipped and lady justice has taken off the blindfold. American dissidents will not be afforded due process and equal justice under the law. Those are the new rules.
I did. When the FBI breaks the law by lying to a federal secret court, the sentence and subsequent professional implications are relative to whether it benefits the power structure. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Makes you wonder...what would happen to you if you got caught lying in a highly publicized trial in Federal court? Don't answer. We know the answer. Do not select the box that says, "Get out of jail free card with zero consequences"
That reminds me of a recent development out of Boston.
> Judge Withdraws Opinion Dismissing Boston Zip Code Quota Plan Case – “I’ve Been Misled” By Concealment of Anti-White Text Messages. “This was my opinion, my signature’s on it, I was misled”
> “Over the last five years, my faith in American institutions has been challenged at every turn. Like an idiot, I keep falling back to my faith in our system of government. We know that corruption exists but the checks and balances expose and mitigate this corruption. That is the theory anyway.”
And that my man is how I converted from being a liberal few years ago to a black pilled liberal/conservative. Human nature is flawed and it’s impossible that a government of over 330 million people won’t be tainted with that flawed human nature.
It would help if at least one of the checks and balances were not firmly attached to the ass of all the others. They are the longest human caterpillar in the history of the world.
Yep. This is where I disagree with the classical liberals like Michael Tracey, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore etc. If we can’t trust the government because it’s so corrupt, incompetent and bloated, enough to the point where they are willing to ruin political opponent people’s lives and rot in prison, then how can I trust them to run everyone’s health care or education? AOC and squad was tweeting about making lists of trump supporters to get them fired from their jobs. How can I trust such politicians with the health care or education?
At this point, I would just be happy with a justice system that doesn't actively try to subvert democratically elected officials and the civil rights of citizens. I lack the kind of imagination necessary to conceive of how bad it really is and the bar is very fucking low.
It's all to take the focus off the real reason why the people were milling about the Capitol: the stolen election.
Oh, hey Michael? If El Presidente Biden was SO POPULAR and he got more votes than Obama did, why didn't he have any coattails downballot? TRUMP most certainly had coattails in 2020, Republicans almost took back the House. So, how can a Presidential candidate have 80 million people voting for him, but not the other members of his Party?
And how is it that whenever the most popular President in our lifetimes gives a speech, he can't crack 5,000 views and his dislike ratio dwarves his likes (this is why the WH is trying to pressure YouTube to disable seeing the likes to dislike ratio)?
Much of the "citizenry" is buying this nonsense, and in "academia", they re writing books about it. I'm an adjunct at a major university, and our 'staff development' in Feb was about how only Qanon believers / Tucker watching / conspiracy theorists / Covid deniers are the ones who DON'T believe these things.
Many on the zoom call were actively pumped and jazzed about this woman's presentation. They called it 'important' and they were 'showing it to their children'.
The presenter even had written a book. She's the junior varsity version of Robin D'Angelo, but just as determined and emotional at making sure your "angry uncle" who forwards you links to FOX news is put in his place, and doesn't take over the country.
It's hard not to be cynical, but when the USA breaks up, these people can howl to themselves all they want, while the rest of us will ignore it.
In my opinion, buying it. Anecdotal, but two of my six NY millennial associates were angrily defiant when I forwarded them Greenwald's article about the press and officer Sicknick. Another two nodded knowingly. The fifth and sixth said don't forward that shit to me at work.
I don’t think they are stupid but rather they are being manipulated by MSM.
To be a Democrat is to be well intended. A big part of their ethos is to believe in government and that we can make the world a better place through government.
Remember that some of the smartest people go to work for big tech companies to figure out how they can make an advertisement stay in front of your eyes for few more milliseconds. They employ some of the dumbest smart people. Society is doomed.
I doubt it's changed much this year but as of late last year, media trust was at an all time high of 73-76% in Democrats so they are definitely buying it. Only 10% in Republicans and 36% in independents.
While they have become more “fair” I don’t watch or trust them. All corporate media needs to be destroyed. Tucker and Greg Gutfeld are a couple people I wish would leave fox and start their own independent podcasts. But I also see the benefit of them staying at fox and getting millions of eyes. I just don’t want to support corporate media.
I gotcha. I am very new to Fox News and I have been told that when Trump was in power fox were jingoistic maniacs and for Obama they were very unfair.
That said at this point in time they seem much more sensible than MSM. Is Fox MSM? I don’t think so, they are the heretics.
If I’m doing main stream media I have the habit of watching cnn and fox in equal amounts. I agree with you it is aggravating but one needs to keep abreast of what they are saying, yes?
FOX gets a bad rep because they have mixed political opinions. But their journalists are pretty outstanding. People need to understand the difference between a journalist and an opinion host / talk show host / anchor.
Just beware of putting them on a pedestal though. I personally prefer looking for actual documents, reading them and making up my own mind. Like instead of listening to what Fox or CNN or MSNBC has to say about spying on Trump by the FBI, I dug through the Horowitz report to see what was up. I can see with my own eyes that Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, fabricated an email which got used to get the warrant on Carter Page. Then I read the actual judge ruling on how he didn't get any prison sentence and is even allowed to get back to practicing law in August. I can see these objective things in actual documents so I can trust it without listening to Fox or CNN or MSNBC.
If were to put Bernie on a pedestal, then I would have to perform mental gymnastics on how I can justify Bernie completely doing a 180 on his stance on illegal immigration when Trump came along. Or him stopping tweeting about "millionaires and billionaires" and start only tweeting about "billionaires" when he became a millionaire.
If were to put Trump on a pedestal, then I would have to perform mental gymnastics on how I can justify him not pardoning Assange, Snowden despite them being the very victims of the deep state, spying, forever wars and political persecution he spent 5 years complaining about. Or how his bump stock ban hurt his credibility on second amendment. Or how he got duped by the CIA's fake "gas attacks" by Assad and ended up bombing Syria.
So we gotta stop putting anyone on a pedestal because we lose our principles when we do that.
I think it's just wise to know which hosts are opinion/commentary hosts and which are news hosts. Tucker, Hannity, Laura openly admit they are talk show hosts:
> “If I’m interviewing Hillary Clinton, it’s gonna be a hundred times harder than any Republican, because I believe the Republicans represent, and have, a far better vision, one that I agree with,” Hannity said on his radio program, “The Sean Hannity Show.” “I just have less disagreement with ‘em.” “I’m not a journalist, I’m a talk show host,” Hannity went on.
For me, it's okay to be biased as long as one admits to it. Just don't piss on me while telling me it's raining. I am okay with Rachel Maddow because she admits she's an opinion host. But I hate Cuomo, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta etc because they aim to be "objective journalists". If they openly admit that they are biased and are simply doing commentary, then that's cool with me. But they don't. CNN plays the audio “the most trusted name in news” for example which is laughable:
I think opinion/commentary wise, I like Tucker Carlson the most because he called out both sides - he called out Trump on things like not pardoning Assange bombing in Syria, he very often calls out the spineless republicans like Mitch and Lindsey Graham. He brought on opposing politics like Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate. I am also biased towards Tucker because of political view points.
News wise, I think Bret Bair, Bill Hemmer, John Roberts, Martha Maccallum etc are decent journalists who don't talk about their own politics. They present the facts and questions and let the audience absorb and make their own opinion. Just watch Bill Hemmer or Bret Bair, I think you won't be able to tell which side of politics they are on.
Btw, all this is based on how they were last year. I haven't watched any of them (except occasional Tucker when he brings on Glenn Greenwald or Jimmy Dore).
Cool I enjoyed reading that: opinion versus opinion presented as journalism.
I don’t have time or the inclination to read the source material, that is the role of media in a free society and they have abdicated that role. Media people are pompous shameful self-serving hypocrites.
I suppose news political debate is inherently noisy but the vitriol has made it thunderous. But not in Canada, we do not have counterbalance in media to the official narrative. Unanimity, the media hypocrites are all in, dutifully lined up nose to tail spouting the official line, unabashedly convinced they are on the right side.
As such I still contend that the fox stance is more honest, truth to power journalism, the loyal opposition in parliamentary language versus the rest of MSM cheerleading. Really the only thing worse than your left leaning media is Canada‘s left leaving media that is singular and unopposed. Canadians are woefully misinformed buy a fusillade of propaganda including endless anti-American screeds. They love calling you guys stupid- pure bigotry.
Do you agree that that fox is better? Is fox singularly (in MSM) speaking truth to power? Was Roger and is Rupert right, on the right side?
I am Canadian actually, I just enjoy the US politics more because I love and respect the US constitution and bill of rights. I agree with you on the Canadian media. Unfortunately, Canada doesn't have a Conservative party at all. I mean USA doesn't either but at least there's a couple sane people like Rand Paul and DeSantis. Canada on the other hand has liberal party and liberal lite which had no difference from the liberal party. And the NDP is even worse than the liberals. The Conservative party of Canada is the RINO equivalent of USA, just more cucked.
I might agree with you about Fox to an extent. I will rate Fox 6/10 based on my viewing last year. 6/10 is the highest I can give to corporate media. The way I see things, they are simply filling the niche of the "conservative leaning" channel but they aren't really that conservative. Tucker is the only ones I can trust. Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Waters and Emily Compogno is good too but they are most of panelists. All these are opinion/commentary though. FOX has been the only one to bring on opposing view points like Jimmy Dore, Assange's parents, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Tulsi Gabbard and even Bernie Sanders and Yang. And considering Tucker's now being spied on by the NSA and unmasked and emails leaked to his competition, he must be doing something right if the establishment hates him. Here's Tucker interviewing Assange's family. You won't see this happen on other corporate media so that gives them credit too:
Are they really trying to pretend I have short term memory loss? Almost 10 years ago protesters violently broke into the Wisconsin state capitol to block a vote. It was even praised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the time. I remember the Kavanaugh hearings, I remember Maxine Waters telling people to get in Republican’s faces, and I remember the attempted assassination of Republican senators at a baseball field. Anyone remember when Rand Paul was swarmed by people demanding he say Breonna Taylor’s name after he wrote the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act?
Remember early last year? There was a successful protest against new Virginia gun laws. The protesters were actually peaceful and picked up their trash. What was the media reaction? “Domestic terrorists who should be shot.” Lockdown protesters? “Evil death cultists!”
Fast forward to the death of George Floyd. There were massive gatherings that were somehow immune to spreading Covid 19. Large scale rioting and violence was written off. I watched many livestreams of the riots. I saw arson, assault, and even attempted murder. Many died and billions of dollars of property was destroyed. The seriousness of it was just ignored. Rioters even took over part of a city and made it their own.
The major networks and newspapers just lied about it. According to them, suburbanites clearing gun store shelves was due to “economic uncertainty related to Covid 19.” The Vox crowd was cheering the entire time. Very few of the supposedly “principled” National Review writers even cared. They just wrote jokes about CHAZ and socialism and made fun of the rioters when they tore down another abolitionist statue. The riots were still ongoing in places for weeks afterwards! Portland is still the same old story! All the people pretending to care about violence and unrest now, have never cared. It is just a show. The whole thing has just been an excuse to expand government power, expand the surveillance state, scare the populace, piss off the people who voted the wrong way, give our elected officials an excuse to be attention whores, and give a lot of taxpayer money to their friends.
Honestly, I didnt think I could despise these people more. I was wrong.
It puts hate in your heart.
Not just attempted: about 30 people were killed during the Floyd riots
I am talking about what I personally witness on livestreams. You know I actually saw what happened in Kenosha live? I also gathered as many pictures and video of the incident that I could before they were removed or edited. The mainstream news story about Kyle Rittenhouse and the three men is total bullshit. It was clear cut self defense.
The corrupt DA from Austin also charged the driver last week who was driving an Uber and got stopped by a "protester" literally with an AK-47 pointed at the driver and the driver shot him in obvious self defence:
He got charged? Now I am fucking pissed again!
Political persecution.
A 13 minute nonviolent trespass! Can federal prosecutors and the FBI possibly do more damage to their reputations with the half of the country they're not in bed with. Oh, yeah, we can add seizing a completed Lego capitol. Serious evidence that. All this while the perjurers and frauds who peddled Russiagate get book deals and contributing slots on CNN and MSLSD.
Did you read the latest on Russiagate? FBI lawyer who lied to judge on FISA warrant will be able to practice law again in August after zero jail time:
Look at the woman in the picture holding up her suit - stunning and brave that she survived, thanks to the fedz.
I for one was frightened to the core by the Great Duck Dynasty Coup Attempt. How dare these unwashed deplorables come to think that they have any say about the governing of our sacred Idiocracy? Our Reps are in DC doing important work for our betters. Throw the book at these Serfs for interrupting the work of the Oligarchy's House.
“Class interests” : that is the point, the elites and their agenda, self-righteous and anti-democratic.
Absolute insanity. Cities around the country have suffered a year of rampant crime and our representatives can't stop crying about how they were confused or scared for a few hours. Seriously when do the rest of us get that increased police protection? Or even those therapy sessions to deal with the trauma from a year of unending violence? Just imagine if they extended the same concern they show for themselves to their constituents... These people are sick.
Are there any stories of elected officials bravely standing up to the insurrectionists? You’d think one or two would have leapt at the chance of heroism with a stern demand to “Put down that laptop, miscreant shaman!” But I have seen no such story: has anybody else?
Reichstag Fire, except as farce.
From what I have seen from the more violent episodes, the Capitol rioters were using many of the same tactics that I had seen MANY times in the riots of 2020. By January 2021, I was largely immune to watching mob violence because I had seen so much of it live streaming from all over the country in 2020.
If they were dressed in black bloc, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. They weren't as good at it but I couldn't help but think that they were under the impression that they would be able to get away with it because "everyone else" was doing it.
Later, I also saw clips of people decked out in their MAGA finest calmly walking through rope lines acting like tourists. It is somewhat difficult for me to reconcile those images with those that were more violent. I guess you could say that it was "mostly peaceful".
In the aftermath, I remember thinking that the best thing that the new administration could do would be to take the same white gloves approach with these activists as they had with the 10's of thousands of others from 2020.
Taking a principled and liberal stand that was balanced and nuanced would alleviate fear and it would demonstrate equal justice under the law. It could have united our country instead of being another mechanism to divide us.
Naturally, they decided to go with the complete opposite of that approach. If I had known that they would be arresting people for loitering in the Capitol for 13 minutes, I would have been shocked but clearly, my expectations for government agencies is still way too high.
The administration and federal agencies have pulled out all the stops to find, expose and incarcerate these "dangerous insurrectionists". I now regard many of them to be political prisoners. I honestly never thought that our government would be capable of something like this.
Over the last five years, my faith in American institutions has been challenged at every turn. Like an idiot, I keep falling back to my faith in our system of government. We know that corruption exists but the checks and balances expose and mitigate this corruption. That is the theory anyway.
It is increasingly clear that our national security state has become one of the most powerful institutions in the world. Republican and Democratic voters are equally responsible for this atrocity. Willingly giving them even more power to operate domestically is the dumbest fucking thing that anyone could do.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE underestimated the reality that was laid bare by Snowden and Assange. I know that I did. I said many of the things that I hear Democrats saying now. "They are just doing their job. These people are terrorists." Honestly, I don't know how I could have been such an idiot.
It is now quite clear that politicians, intelligence agencies, the media and large corporations are all reading from the same playbook. If there is any chance that a representative government can ever be elected, I will demand that they dismantle and rebuild every intelligence agency in our country. They need to be disrupted.
On any given day, I go back and forth between who I hate more. Is it the media or the intelligence agencies? Well, many times, they are the same thing. And either way, you really can't go wrong. They are all worthy of increasingly more hatred and distrust.
I am learning to embrace my place as an American dissident. If that is what they were going for, they have succeeded far beyond anything that I could have imagined. Turning law abiding citizens into dissidents is probably the dumbest thing they could do but here we are.
Fwiw, my disillusionment began with the Horowitz report. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how federal authorities could weaponize our justice system to fabricate foreign collusion charges against the duly elected president. I didn't even vote for the guy but I was shocked by what I learned.
The on-going prosecution of anyone and everyone in or around the Capitol on that day merely confirms it. The scales have been tipped and lady justice has taken off the blindfold. American dissidents will not be afforded due process and equal justice under the law. Those are the new rules.
Did you read the latest on Russiagate? FBI lawyer who lied to judge on FISA warrant will be able to practice law again in August after zero jail time:
I did. When the FBI breaks the law by lying to a federal secret court, the sentence and subsequent professional implications are relative to whether it benefits the power structure. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Makes you wonder...what would happen to you if you got caught lying in a highly publicized trial in Federal court? Don't answer. We know the answer. Do not select the box that says, "Get out of jail free card with zero consequences"
That reminds me of a recent development out of Boston.
> Judge Withdraws Opinion Dismissing Boston Zip Code Quota Plan Case – “I’ve Been Misled” By Concealment of Anti-White Text Messages. “This was my opinion, my signature’s on it, I was misled”
So if they are willing to lie to judges, then what else are they up to?
> “Over the last five years, my faith in American institutions has been challenged at every turn. Like an idiot, I keep falling back to my faith in our system of government. We know that corruption exists but the checks and balances expose and mitigate this corruption. That is the theory anyway.”
And that my man is how I converted from being a liberal few years ago to a black pilled liberal/conservative. Human nature is flawed and it’s impossible that a government of over 330 million people won’t be tainted with that flawed human nature.
It would help if at least one of the checks and balances were not firmly attached to the ass of all the others. They are the longest human caterpillar in the history of the world.
Yep. This is where I disagree with the classical liberals like Michael Tracey, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore etc. If we can’t trust the government because it’s so corrupt, incompetent and bloated, enough to the point where they are willing to ruin political opponent people’s lives and rot in prison, then how can I trust them to run everyone’s health care or education? AOC and squad was tweeting about making lists of trump supporters to get them fired from their jobs. How can I trust such politicians with the health care or education?
At this point, I would just be happy with a justice system that doesn't actively try to subvert democratically elected officials and the civil rights of citizens. I lack the kind of imagination necessary to conceive of how bad it really is and the bar is very fucking low.
It's all to take the focus off the real reason why the people were milling about the Capitol: the stolen election.
Oh, hey Michael? If El Presidente Biden was SO POPULAR and he got more votes than Obama did, why didn't he have any coattails downballot? TRUMP most certainly had coattails in 2020, Republicans almost took back the House. So, how can a Presidential candidate have 80 million people voting for him, but not the other members of his Party?
And how is it that whenever the most popular President in our lifetimes gives a speech, he can't crack 5,000 views and his dislike ratio dwarves his likes (this is why the WH is trying to pressure YouTube to disable seeing the likes to dislike ratio)?
White House Youtube Dislike Manipulation:
Someone built a tracker for the likes/dislikes on Biden's White House:
130 Thousand dislikes were removed in a 24hr period! And this is for the most popular US President of all time!
Much of the "citizenry" is buying this nonsense, and in "academia", they re writing books about it. I'm an adjunct at a major university, and our 'staff development' in Feb was about how only Qanon believers / Tucker watching / conspiracy theorists / Covid deniers are the ones who DON'T believe these things.
Many on the zoom call were actively pumped and jazzed about this woman's presentation. They called it 'important' and they were 'showing it to their children'.
The presenter even had written a book. She's the junior varsity version of Robin D'Angelo, but just as determined and emotional at making sure your "angry uncle" who forwards you links to FOX news is put in his place, and doesn't take over the country.
It's hard not to be cynical, but when the USA breaks up, these people can howl to themselves all they want, while the rest of us will ignore it.
I’m curious, is the average Democrat buying this, or rolling eyes?
In my opinion, buying it. Anecdotal, but two of my six NY millennial associates were angrily defiant when I forwarded them Greenwald's article about the press and officer Sicknick. Another two nodded knowingly. The fifth and sixth said don't forward that shit to me at work.
I think they are buying it all the way.
I don’t think they are stupid but rather they are being manipulated by MSM.
To be a Democrat is to be well intended. A big part of their ethos is to believe in government and that we can make the world a better place through government.
Remember that some of the smartest people go to work for big tech companies to figure out how they can make an advertisement stay in front of your eyes for few more milliseconds. They employ some of the dumbest smart people. Society is doomed.
I doubt it's changed much this year but as of late last year, media trust was at an all time high of 73-76% in Democrats so they are definitely buying it. Only 10% in Republicans and 36% in independents.
Michael, did you watch this from Tucker regarding Georgia audit:
Has Fox News become the voice of reason?
While they have become more “fair” I don’t watch or trust them. All corporate media needs to be destroyed. Tucker and Greg Gutfeld are a couple people I wish would leave fox and start their own independent podcasts. But I also see the benefit of them staying at fox and getting millions of eyes. I just don’t want to support corporate media.
I gotcha. I am very new to Fox News and I have been told that when Trump was in power fox were jingoistic maniacs and for Obama they were very unfair.
That said at this point in time they seem much more sensible than MSM. Is Fox MSM? I don’t think so, they are the heretics.
If I’m doing main stream media I have the habit of watching cnn and fox in equal amounts. I agree with you it is aggravating but one needs to keep abreast of what they are saying, yes?
Fair point.
FOX gets a bad rep because they have mixed political opinions. But their journalists are pretty outstanding. People need to understand the difference between a journalist and an opinion host / talk show host / anchor.
Just beware of putting them on a pedestal though. I personally prefer looking for actual documents, reading them and making up my own mind. Like instead of listening to what Fox or CNN or MSNBC has to say about spying on Trump by the FBI, I dug through the Horowitz report to see what was up. I can see with my own eyes that Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, fabricated an email which got used to get the warrant on Carter Page. Then I read the actual judge ruling on how he didn't get any prison sentence and is even allowed to get back to practicing law in August. I can see these objective things in actual documents so I can trust it without listening to Fox or CNN or MSNBC.
If were to put Bernie on a pedestal, then I would have to perform mental gymnastics on how I can justify Bernie completely doing a 180 on his stance on illegal immigration when Trump came along. Or him stopping tweeting about "millionaires and billionaires" and start only tweeting about "billionaires" when he became a millionaire.
If were to put Trump on a pedestal, then I would have to perform mental gymnastics on how I can justify him not pardoning Assange, Snowden despite them being the very victims of the deep state, spying, forever wars and political persecution he spent 5 years complaining about. Or how his bump stock ban hurt his credibility on second amendment. Or how he got duped by the CIA's fake "gas attacks" by Assad and ended up bombing Syria.
So we gotta stop putting anyone on a pedestal because we lose our principles when we do that.
I think it's just wise to know which hosts are opinion/commentary hosts and which are news hosts. Tucker, Hannity, Laura openly admit they are talk show hosts:
> “If I’m interviewing Hillary Clinton, it’s gonna be a hundred times harder than any Republican, because I believe the Republicans represent, and have, a far better vision, one that I agree with,” Hannity said on his radio program, “The Sean Hannity Show.” “I just have less disagreement with ‘em.” “I’m not a journalist, I’m a talk show host,” Hannity went on.
For me, it's okay to be biased as long as one admits to it. Just don't piss on me while telling me it's raining. I am okay with Rachel Maddow because she admits she's an opinion host. But I hate Cuomo, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta etc because they aim to be "objective journalists". If they openly admit that they are biased and are simply doing commentary, then that's cool with me. But they don't. CNN plays the audio “the most trusted name in news” for example which is laughable:
I think opinion/commentary wise, I like Tucker Carlson the most because he called out both sides - he called out Trump on things like not pardoning Assange bombing in Syria, he very often calls out the spineless republicans like Mitch and Lindsey Graham. He brought on opposing politics like Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate. I am also biased towards Tucker because of political view points.
News wise, I think Bret Bair, Bill Hemmer, John Roberts, Martha Maccallum etc are decent journalists who don't talk about their own politics. They present the facts and questions and let the audience absorb and make their own opinion. Just watch Bill Hemmer or Bret Bair, I think you won't be able to tell which side of politics they are on.
Btw, all this is based on how they were last year. I haven't watched any of them (except occasional Tucker when he brings on Glenn Greenwald or Jimmy Dore).
Cool I enjoyed reading that: opinion versus opinion presented as journalism.
I don’t have time or the inclination to read the source material, that is the role of media in a free society and they have abdicated that role. Media people are pompous shameful self-serving hypocrites.
I suppose news political debate is inherently noisy but the vitriol has made it thunderous. But not in Canada, we do not have counterbalance in media to the official narrative. Unanimity, the media hypocrites are all in, dutifully lined up nose to tail spouting the official line, unabashedly convinced they are on the right side.
As such I still contend that the fox stance is more honest, truth to power journalism, the loyal opposition in parliamentary language versus the rest of MSM cheerleading. Really the only thing worse than your left leaning media is Canada‘s left leaving media that is singular and unopposed. Canadians are woefully misinformed buy a fusillade of propaganda including endless anti-American screeds. They love calling you guys stupid- pure bigotry.
Do you agree that that fox is better? Is fox singularly (in MSM) speaking truth to power? Was Roger and is Rupert right, on the right side?
I am Canadian actually, I just enjoy the US politics more because I love and respect the US constitution and bill of rights. I agree with you on the Canadian media. Unfortunately, Canada doesn't have a Conservative party at all. I mean USA doesn't either but at least there's a couple sane people like Rand Paul and DeSantis. Canada on the other hand has liberal party and liberal lite which had no difference from the liberal party. And the NDP is even worse than the liberals. The Conservative party of Canada is the RINO equivalent of USA, just more cucked.
I might agree with you about Fox to an extent. I will rate Fox 6/10 based on my viewing last year. 6/10 is the highest I can give to corporate media. The way I see things, they are simply filling the niche of the "conservative leaning" channel but they aren't really that conservative. Tucker is the only ones I can trust. Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Waters and Emily Compogno is good too but they are most of panelists. All these are opinion/commentary though. FOX has been the only one to bring on opposing view points like Jimmy Dore, Assange's parents, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Tulsi Gabbard and even Bernie Sanders and Yang. And considering Tucker's now being spied on by the NSA and unmasked and emails leaked to his competition, he must be doing something right if the establishment hates him. Here's Tucker interviewing Assange's family. You won't see this happen on other corporate media so that gives them credit too:
Just be careful with putting too much trust in any corporate media, you never know when they will back stab you.
I'll put in a word here, for Hilton & Faulkner.