Thanks for the research on this, I was talking about this incident with my 96-year old mother and while it is an obvious tragedy the connection to terrorism was nonsensical. When the definition of trauma is being gradually defined down we are getting closer and closer to thoughtcrime.

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Now I'm curious what your mother had to say!

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White people are "domestic terrorists" in the eyes of progressives. It fits the narrative coming out of the Biden/Harris administration. BIPOC would never be charged with terrorism in a similar situation.

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This is the central motivation here. To criminalize resistance using guilt by association.

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Why must these people so relentlessly divest me of my already dwindling reservoirs of faith in the human race.

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To me, terrorism is an act of violence motivated by an identified ideology, not by the means and methods of the act. The often terrifying acts of angry or mentally ill individuals, especially children, are not acts of terror. They are cries for help.

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She's looking for camera time. Some of us are quite familiar via personal experience with her penchant for over charging an individual if they are on the "wrong side of the narrative" or if you aren't friends "with the right people." Politics is full of opportunists like her. She has seen the Nancy Pelosi playbook and is in chapter one. Next chapter, Governor/congressional office, then begin eating at trough until she acquires large home in a warmer climate. Further chapters include leveraging campaign funds, insider trading etc. etc. Term limits can't come any sooner.

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Thanks MT. As usual you wrote the hell outta this piece.

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This prosecutors could well have taken her inspiration from the National School Boards Association letter to the Biden Administration seeking to have parents throwing fits at school board meetings treated as domestic terrorists under the Patriot Act; and more ominously, the DOJ adopting a policy at least partly in keeping with the NSBA's request. Certainly Congress never intended to apply the Patriot Act to rowdy parents at local school board meetings. But just as with this prosecutor, that doesn't stop the attempt to twist the law until it bears no resemblance to original intent.

This prosecutor is clearly interested in making the most of these killings. As Raum Emanuel said, never let a crisis go to waste. Not even waiting for the dead to be buried she initiated manslaughter charges against the shooter's parents. In the end these charges may be warranted. But such serious charges should not be brought until AFTER the facts are investigated. Already we have the DA claiming the gun was in an unlocked drawer, and the father saying this is wrong, that the gun was locked up. This rush to charge is quite similar to what happen in the Rittenhouse case. A great injustice was done to Rittenhouse, and the prosecutors made buffoons of themselves.

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A student of mine was shot and killed in May. In broad daylight, around 10am, he was shot in the head. Because I work in the black neighborhood, there is none of what you read about above. There was nothing, except a small go fund me, and a funeral.


Our media and political class deserve nothing except mockery and derision of the highest order, and, if possible, getting voted out.

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Great article. Progressives want to turn attention away from inner-city, gang-related shootings and focus on school shootings, which seem to be carried out mostly by emotionally disturbed white males living in the suburbs. The former happen way more often than the latter.

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If the media would stop giving these idiots air time and ink we would have a chance of returning to some sort of sanity. They never seem to be able to arrest and charge the gangs that terrorize neighborhoods or the ANTIFA and BLM thugs who burn and loot. This psycho kid should be put away forever; but "life does not mean life for the perp only for the victim.

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Another great article. Thanks for all your honest efforts and hitting the nail on the head. Mike H

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If Michigan prosecutors started applying terrorism charges to everyone in their state accused of homicide . . . social justice warriors won't be very happy.

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I think that the absurdly hyperbolic “terrorism” charges result from all of the reasons MT gives, plus a couple of additional ones:

1) the prosecutor also charged the parents, which is equally unprecedented and disturbing. I believe that they did so, and quickly (in fact, they announced the charges before they even ARRESTED the parents) because they were trying to head off people saying it was the school’s fault. They are, in fact, just as responsible as the parents for letting the kid return to class after and not searching him, and jumping on the parents kept the public from jumping on the school and demanding that they be held responsible. The State always protects its own.

2) look at the kids’ parents - they are like the stereotypical “Trump supporter” that progressives have been conditioned to hate. The prosecutor likely saw targeting them, and their son, with unprecedented charges as an opportunity to flaunt her bona fides to her progressive constituents. It’s like someone posing with a kill after trophy hunting… she can now claim to be at the front lines challenging “the biggest threat to the US,” white supremacy. I’m shocked the white supremacist card hasn’t been pulled yet, to be honest.

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My connections in Michigan are saying that 'everyone' knew the kid was being bullied. I can't find evidence of it anywhere.

It's impossible for the media to report the whole truth anymore because truth can be complicated. Once you conflate shooting with monster with terrorism there's no room to look more closely at the story and realize he just might have been a victim too. Terrorists can't be bullied!

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Since the FBI was involved in the Governor kidnapping plot, perhaps they were also instrumental in messing with the shooters mind to the point that the shooting was inevitable. Terrorism as Terrorism does.

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Makes me wonder if the FBI and/or CIA were behind all of those "Aloha Snackbar" terrorist attacks where a box truck rammed into a crowd of people. It's been like 5 years since I've heard of one. The sudden downfall makes me think most of those guys were goaded into it by others, not to mention provided logistics to carry the attacks out.

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