Much to the chagrin of many thousands of internet commenters, I’ve never thought that COVID, at least in the first instance, was any sort of concerted conspiracy or plot.
Transferred? This is just an extreme example of similar shenanigans occurring on university campuses across the country. Best thing college age kids can do during the Covid hysteria is quit school and sample the workplace. It will be an equally good education; will cost less while it happens; and -- who knows? -- might convince more than a handful they don't need to go back to school at all (worked that way for me, anyway).
This was my thought throughout the article. At $70K a year I would absolutely yank my kid from that college and suggest he or she take a year or two off working before going back to (another) school.
Agreed. The solution for this, and a lot of the nation's problems, is for students and parents to make rationale choices regarding schooling based on cost benefit analysis and personal interests and abilities. Pick an area of study that has relevant to your life goals and pick a college based on your personal assessment of the benefits--don't automatically go for the most "prestigious" college as assessed by the ruling class. In many cases a local community college or even a trade school may be the best choice to start one's post high school educational experience. From my observation and point of view the "high class" colleges and universities have become unnecessarily expensive indoctrination centers that do not care a whit about the student's well being or the insane cost burden on society.
I'm in the bad neighborhood school. I'd love for this college admin to come to my place - no white students, 70% (at best) mask compliance, and on top of that we had a huge fight down the hall during 7th pd. today. Let's just say not everyone fights while wearing a mask. Hey connecticut college dean guy, come here and set these black teens straight - I double dog dare you. We need dean whats his face to come in and run his nonsense here.... he'd last 15 minutes maybe.
Only coddled white liberals go for $70,000 per year masktardery and get their jollies out of screaming COVID!!! all the time. I wonder what would happen if you asked the midwit university guy "how are there even cases if everyone is vaccinated - does it mean the vaccines don't work? I thought they were 'safe and effective(TM)'"
I love working in the crappy school. I'd rather be here where we have our own brand of dysfunction, but it sure as hell isn't this white wealthy liberal goblin progressive sheeple dumpster fire.
The obsession with masks by people strung out on their own sense of power is not coincidental. In light of the science (as opposed to The Science discussed so earnestly on lawn signs) suggesting masks really are not very useful in curtailing the spread of the virus, mask wearing is really now more a matter of compliance theater. The mask, if not so useful against the virus, is extremely valuable in identifying and punishing dissent.
I live in Oregon, and we have been given a mask indoors all the time mandate, and a mask outdoors(!) when you can't socially distance. The compliance is low, even in Portland. I live in a college town south of there, and it's a few students and every. single. professor. who wear the mask, all the while living in fear. I swear, we have given up science for Lysenkoism. No one seems to look at mass events and see that there has been no harm, that the average age of death is 80+, hospitalizations are way down overall, etc. It's is just pure panic.
My governor is so disliked by everyone outside of Portland that she has been told not to be the face of pushing for vaccination because it turns people off from it.
I grew up in a small CA college town near a nuclear reactor, I knew a lot of people who lived the protest life, and the watchwords were "Civil Disobedience is Civil Defence" and "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism", and so on. But at this point, the whole lot of them are so masked loving and living in abject terror, you cannot remind them of this. Our political leaders are doing everyone a disservice buy feeding off of this shit.
"Never let a crisis go to waste!" - way too many people
I have a quick question for anyone who might remember. Did the Terror Alert Level at any time drop to Guarded or Low? I cannot remember anything lower than yellow and I suspect it never did.
I love this piece. OMG. I especially love the part about the "honor code" where they twist it to mean you have to snitch on people for minor infractions in order to get brownie points from the establishment. They sure are preparing them for life in the establishment cesspool. I can imagine their future as bureaucrats who rat out their fellow colleagues for minor infractions in order to get ahead while allowing their bosses actual evil shit to go unreported. We're watching in real time how a future go along to get along personality is formed.
Your piece also gave me great hope watching the anti-establishment students recognize the real problem and speak out. These are our future whistleblowers. Just imagine what a better world it would be if we would stop rewarding the snitches of the world when they first display this type of creepy behavior. Maybe we would have a better shot at having a more honorable world instead of what we have.
For fucks sake kids, quit. You’ll be paying the entire rest of your lives for this. Just read the books. Find another school if you must. Just get up and fucking leave.
In the alternative, stage an unmasked sit in at the dean’s house after you cuff him. Stay door weeks. Make him pee in squirts and count each squirt out loud or loose peeing privileges. Have some fun.
I'd be willing to bet good money that the twice weekly testing was announced after the 2021-22 tuition checks were cashed. It's likely too late for them to "just get up and fucking leave".
And here is my thinking on that: if you are STILL sending your kid to that school, you're a dummy and deserve the mistreatment and psuedo-science you get in life.
These kids are restricted to a greater degree than they would be in an actual maximum security prison. And if classes and even extra-curriculars are being done by video, why on earth don't they just close the campus and send students home?
To state the obvious: It is difficult to opt-out of Australia (unless you have resources); it is quite easy to opt-out of Connecticut College. Why are the students still there? Just leave. Come back when it's over or go to another college. Although this is beyond disgusting, I certainly don't feel the same kind of sympathy for these students as I do for Australians. If all the students left, it would send quite a message.
Also, the $70k a year thing, I dont know how great that school is. (Ive never heard of it. My daughter goes to Colgate, tuition free due to aid) but my guess is only families earning well over $150k a year are paying anywhere NEAR that. The fact that students are still going there is mind boggling after two years of this nonsense.
Good lord, do I ever loathe the language of these whiner ultimatum lists -- "demands", "will accept nothing less", etc. It very much activates a "you'll get nothing and like it" response from me. Oh, they're *demands*, are they? Really? GTFOH.
It seems to me that no one being willing to provide these crusading mini-authoritarians with the reality check they so desperately deserve is the root of the problem. It's the utter cowardice of the adults in the room -- and their failure to actually *be* the adults in the room -- that allows all this to continue. Is anyone ever going to tell these young people things they don't want to hear? Because it seems like corporate America is doing a pretty piss-poor job of it too.
I knew, even before I got to this point in the article that there would be some shrill, hysterical busybodies behind all this shrieking in fear that they just don't feel safe, and demanding the College administrators DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
This seems to be a microcosm of the larger divide going on, and this sentiment and these types of people would seem to be behind Biden's ridiculous overreach of requiring vaccinations now.
Vaccinations that clearly are not working as we were first assured. Not that anyone in authority has admitted to this, again, all they can do is further flame the divide blaming the unvaccinated for this, when stats and anecdotes are showing clearly that vaccinated people are still getting sick(albeit not as severely as the unvaxxed) and still spreading Covid.
Why are parents and students paying for this nonsense? If you want to go to jail, there are much cheaper ways of doing it.
I've been told that there have been some students who transferred, but I'm not sure how many.
Transferred? This is just an extreme example of similar shenanigans occurring on university campuses across the country. Best thing college age kids can do during the Covid hysteria is quit school and sample the workplace. It will be an equally good education; will cost less while it happens; and -- who knows? -- might convince more than a handful they don't need to go back to school at all (worked that way for me, anyway).
This was my thought throughout the article. At $70K a year I would absolutely yank my kid from that college and suggest he or she take a year or two off working before going back to (another) school.
Agreed. The solution for this, and a lot of the nation's problems, is for students and parents to make rationale choices regarding schooling based on cost benefit analysis and personal interests and abilities. Pick an area of study that has relevant to your life goals and pick a college based on your personal assessment of the benefits--don't automatically go for the most "prestigious" college as assessed by the ruling class. In many cases a local community college or even a trade school may be the best choice to start one's post high school educational experience. From my observation and point of view the "high class" colleges and universities have become unnecessarily expensive indoctrination centers that do not care a whit about the student's well being or the insane cost burden on society.
Because they really really want that "valuable" gender studies degree, that will allow them to move back into Mom and Dad's basement until they're 32.
I'm in the bad neighborhood school. I'd love for this college admin to come to my place - no white students, 70% (at best) mask compliance, and on top of that we had a huge fight down the hall during 7th pd. today. Let's just say not everyone fights while wearing a mask. Hey connecticut college dean guy, come here and set these black teens straight - I double dog dare you. We need dean whats his face to come in and run his nonsense here.... he'd last 15 minutes maybe.
Only coddled white liberals go for $70,000 per year masktardery and get their jollies out of screaming COVID!!! all the time. I wonder what would happen if you asked the midwit university guy "how are there even cases if everyone is vaccinated - does it mean the vaccines don't work? I thought they were 'safe and effective(TM)'"
I love working in the crappy school. I'd rather be here where we have our own brand of dysfunction, but it sure as hell isn't this white wealthy liberal goblin progressive sheeple dumpster fire.
The obsession with masks by people strung out on their own sense of power is not coincidental. In light of the science (as opposed to The Science discussed so earnestly on lawn signs) suggesting masks really are not very useful in curtailing the spread of the virus, mask wearing is really now more a matter of compliance theater. The mask, if not so useful against the virus, is extremely valuable in identifying and punishing dissent.
I live in Oregon, and we have been given a mask indoors all the time mandate, and a mask outdoors(!) when you can't socially distance. The compliance is low, even in Portland. I live in a college town south of there, and it's a few students and every. single. professor. who wear the mask, all the while living in fear. I swear, we have given up science for Lysenkoism. No one seems to look at mass events and see that there has been no harm, that the average age of death is 80+, hospitalizations are way down overall, etc. It's is just pure panic.
My governor is so disliked by everyone outside of Portland that she has been told not to be the face of pushing for vaccination because it turns people off from it.
I grew up in a small CA college town near a nuclear reactor, I knew a lot of people who lived the protest life, and the watchwords were "Civil Disobedience is Civil Defence" and "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism", and so on. But at this point, the whole lot of them are so masked loving and living in abject terror, you cannot remind them of this. Our political leaders are doing everyone a disservice buy feeding off of this shit.
"Never let a crisis go to waste!" - way too many people
I have a quick question for anyone who might remember. Did the Terror Alert Level at any time drop to Guarded or Low? I cannot remember anything lower than yellow and I suspect it never did.
I love this piece. OMG. I especially love the part about the "honor code" where they twist it to mean you have to snitch on people for minor infractions in order to get brownie points from the establishment. They sure are preparing them for life in the establishment cesspool. I can imagine their future as bureaucrats who rat out their fellow colleagues for minor infractions in order to get ahead while allowing their bosses actual evil shit to go unreported. We're watching in real time how a future go along to get along personality is formed.
Your piece also gave me great hope watching the anti-establishment students recognize the real problem and speak out. These are our future whistleblowers. Just imagine what a better world it would be if we would stop rewarding the snitches of the world when they first display this type of creepy behavior. Maybe we would have a better shot at having a more honorable world instead of what we have.
For fucks sake kids, quit. You’ll be paying the entire rest of your lives for this. Just read the books. Find another school if you must. Just get up and fucking leave.
In the alternative, stage an unmasked sit in at the dean’s house after you cuff him. Stay door weeks. Make him pee in squirts and count each squirt out loud or loose peeing privileges. Have some fun.
I'd be willing to bet good money that the twice weekly testing was announced after the 2021-22 tuition checks were cashed. It's likely too late for them to "just get up and fucking leave".
That is just smart business.
And here is my thinking on that: if you are STILL sending your kid to that school, you're a dummy and deserve the mistreatment and psuedo-science you get in life.
These kids are restricted to a greater degree than they would be in an actual maximum security prison. And if classes and even extra-curriculars are being done by video, why on earth don't they just close the campus and send students home?
To state the obvious: It is difficult to opt-out of Australia (unless you have resources); it is quite easy to opt-out of Connecticut College. Why are the students still there? Just leave. Come back when it's over or go to another college. Although this is beyond disgusting, I certainly don't feel the same kind of sympathy for these students as I do for Australians. If all the students left, it would send quite a message.
There appears no awareness by the authorities of the false-positive issue with PCR testing—the primary method used in Covid testing.
"Signed with great disappointment:" ... Doug Niedermeyer and Greg Marmalard
"And the rest of the Hitler Youth."
Also, the $70k a year thing, I dont know how great that school is. (Ive never heard of it. My daughter goes to Colgate, tuition free due to aid) but my guess is only families earning well over $150k a year are paying anywhere NEAR that. The fact that students are still going there is mind boggling after two years of this nonsense.
Zoom classes for $70k a year! 😆 I suppose the only thing these students can do is remain there and take it in a$$. 🤷🏽♂️
Sadly, what happens on campus doesn’t stay on campus. This is a test run.
No joke..Biden is watching & taking note.
Good lord, do I ever loathe the language of these whiner ultimatum lists -- "demands", "will accept nothing less", etc. It very much activates a "you'll get nothing and like it" response from me. Oh, they're *demands*, are they? Really? GTFOH.
It seems to me that no one being willing to provide these crusading mini-authoritarians with the reality check they so desperately deserve is the root of the problem. It's the utter cowardice of the adults in the room -- and their failure to actually *be* the adults in the room -- that allows all this to continue. Is anyone ever going to tell these young people things they don't want to hear? Because it seems like corporate America is doing a pretty piss-poor job of it too.
I knew, even before I got to this point in the article that there would be some shrill, hysterical busybodies behind all this shrieking in fear that they just don't feel safe, and demanding the College administrators DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
This seems to be a microcosm of the larger divide going on, and this sentiment and these types of people would seem to be behind Biden's ridiculous overreach of requiring vaccinations now.
Vaccinations that clearly are not working as we were first assured. Not that anyone in authority has admitted to this, again, all they can do is further flame the divide blaming the unvaccinated for this, when stats and anecdotes are showing clearly that vaccinated people are still getting sick(albeit not as severely as the unvaxxed) and still spreading Covid.
We live in strange, scary times.