Thanks for again reminding me that tomorrows "Most Critical Election Ever" (tm) is essentially meaningless.

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Most critical midterm election ever, since the 2018 midterms, and until the 2026 midterms

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Good time to tell you I love your work. I would love to see you interview Rep Tom Massie, I think you would have a different experience.

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Was simply wondering why there have been no posts for several months....?? Couldn't find another way to contact you.

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Given the very tepid results for the Reeps tonight it looks like we are not alone in our thinking.

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If the GOP controls both houses of Congress, that means the McConnell/McCarthy comedy hour is back on the air and that's no laughing matter.

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Indeed. It looks like it will just be McCarthy. So sad when you consider there are some truly good people in the House.

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This is (please excuse the profanity) f*cking terrifying.

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It is...There are so so few...I pay most attention to the BRICS/SCO countries now. We need a Putin speech stat.

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It's all such a pathetic joke, the entirety of our elected officials in Washington.

State and local level initiatives are the only reason I bother voting at this point. Washington is so fully owned by corporate influence it is legitimately hopeless to envision any positive change.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

that's why "the system" loves "close" races. close races forever! the closer the race, the more the parties that back the 2 candidates have to come to corporate wallets selling favors! plus TV gets ad money and "content".

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"I'll have to look into that." = "I'll have to see which lobbyists come and visit me."

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"You can vote for whomever you want, but you can't change the government"

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"You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave" hotel du California.

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If you are a single issue voter and that issue is war, you are never going to vote for anybody but Mickey Mouse again. That's just it. It doesn't meant to give up, but that's the reality. And they know what they're doing does not align with what American people across the political spectrum want. That's why they dive into cars and throw temper tantrums when asked. (And I'm really sad about J.D. Vance right now.)

Beyond that, the actual difference between the parties (if not universally the candidates) is inversely proportional to the rhetoric. In short, the less difference there is, the crazier the rhetoric. Right now there is *no* difference, really, particularly when it comes to Ukraine, so we have to suffer through "Putin's puppet" and "election denier" and "existential threat to democracy." In large part, this is because the party that is supposed to represent people, supposed to be anti-war (ha-ha) is the very party pushing the war, so Republicans really have no way to respond. The Democrats stole all their best lines.

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Thank you, Michael !!

It looks truly hopeless -- a bipartisan foreign policy serving ONLY the needs of arms industry donors.

And a mystery — if our beloved US is basically a bipartisan fascist non-democracy - why is it fashionable for GOP RINOs to call fascist Democrats — communists (?!) and “left” (?!) ?

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We have a Potemkin government.

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If the uniparty agrees about one thing it is WAR. what are American interests in Ukraine? Essentially none but I’d prefer my Govt to be a force for peace. This is clearly going to end by negotiation it’s just a question of how much death and destruction is caused first. AMERICA FIRST.

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Why should American taxpayers support a corrupt Ukraine at all? The hatred of Putin by americas corrupt ruling class seems the most problematic theme, and likely will cause America’s demise, but it won’t be Purim’s fault.

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Vote third party.

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I fear you are correct. A GOP run congress will almost certainly continue the identical shoveling of good money after bad to Ukraine after the election. The forever wars are the only thing that is truly bipartisan in this country in regards to the ruling caste.

The democrats will sponsor "anti-war" rallies but only at the Capitol, and only with GOP members of Congress, even though their bad actions will be identical to what democrats are doing now.

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Is this substack still active?

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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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Thanks for elaborating on the Bognet exchange.

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Michael, you're missing something important. Congressmen are, at are supposed to be, elected to REPRESENT their district. Anyone elected tomorrow will not take office until January, so they won't be voting on any bills until then. New prospective Congressmen and women are currently trying to get elected; they're not looking at bills. The new Congress may vote along party lines but there are a few in the House - and Senate - who represent the people who sent them to office, not the Speaker.

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