It’s because they bought the base version of Platitoody®. If you upgrade to the Pro version, it scans Twitter for clichés of the day and, for example, substitutes “the struggle endures” for “work to be done”. There’s also a Pledge Package, a Remorse Reciter, and a Dox ‘n’ Damner.

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Best comment. MOAR likes please.

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Have any of these fucking assholes spoken out against looting and burning businesses for a political end? No?

Then, I'll ignore anything that they have to say, thank you very much.

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I also had an "out of body experience" when it was announced the verdict for forthcoming. It was terror that there would be further riots in my city.

Thankfully, it's been mostly quiet. But I am wary of the precedent that has been set. And it's fucking creepy to see all these corporations smile and chant in unison as if they care.

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Love how you ended the stream of mindless proclamations with Best Buy. Do the work!

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Wait... what does "Black and Brow Americans" even mean? Demented. Anyways that list of responses had me cracking up. I appreciate the time and effort copy/pasting that together. I'd like for people to look at this uncoordinated corporate, national commentary on a US trial, think about the non-reporting of mass arson and theft during riots, and ask yourself how this country could have offered Chauvin the presumption of innocence and a fair trial.

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And none of this BS reaches the black neighborhood high school where I ply my trade. A few top bureaucrats spew this nonsense - it's virtue signaling of course - and then that's it. The actual work is quite hard as the institution of school has been converged and corrupted with this nonsense. What makes it even more difficult is that once out of the school building, Student X is bathed in this Shirley Jackson "The Lottery" style kabuki theater. The teenage mind is told that it is never at fault for anything bad; it's the "work" of other people and corporations that will change the world and make it wonderful for them.

Actual work on young people's part (individual responsibility) is talked about only in many of the classrooms. Outside, on social media, everywhere else, 'work' is the only 4 letter word you're NOT allowed to say.

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You have to laugh or you'll cry

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The term "shining one on" comes to mind. These corporation's concerns about black people goes as far as avoiding shakedowns from race hustlers and being on the good side of the utterly bizarre Twitter culture. They'll throw money at NGO's like BLM; so it's top level people can Buy Larger Mansions, but they won't set up apprenticeships nor tech scholarships for poor kids of any race. They won't hire poor performers nor unqualified/untrained people for key jobs no matter what. It's a sham. And since most people's interpretation of "anti-racism" sure looks a whole lot like racism against white people, that garbage will only go so far in any typical company filled with white staff members in key positions who man not balk at "anti-racism" being directed towards blue collar whites but not when it comes to their doorstep.

Frankly, I think a great deal of effort is going into generating as much anarchy in the US as possible in order for the ruling class to one day offer up a "solution" that replaces riots with the usual "law and order" oppression but more the kind that can't exist here in the US unless the Bill of Rights is complete chucked in the trash. The easiest to do that is to collapse the republic altogether and build a new society with a new constitution that is more in line with a place like China, where you can make money and get nice things, but your say in how your own society is run is essentially bupkis. That will be the job of the ideologically (and greed) driven ruling class that none of us proles will ever be a part of.

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Wokeness is simply another massive-scale confidence game. The military-industrialists no longer are the sole "ropers," there are now corporations and NGOs vying for power and money posing as climate saviors and "anti-racists." Step right up.

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Nothing to see here. All a minor coincidence I’m sure. Surely you aren’t suggesting collusion amongst corporate and political leaders in pushing a narrative? That would be a cray cray conspiracy theory.

There is more work to be done to cram our heads with the need for collective punishment and justice, which is directly at odds with the US constitution, for example.

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Best Buy!

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I'm anti-door dash.

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Maybe they will all shut up then and get to work and leave us alone.

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When pressed further, each of the organizations above insisted they assigning their 'TOP MEN' to the critical work that needs to be done. A week later, all of them coincidentally apologized simultaneously and insisted they meant to say their 'TOP PEOPLE'.


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Man, what the fuck?! Corporate PR must be the easiest job there is. It's all copy and paste! I chose the wrong damn career.

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Thanks for the article. It must have been mind-crippling work to read all that boilerplate--true drudgery, or at least a slog. No way I could have labored through it without going insane.

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